Vinyl at Bed Bath and Beyond? Yes, for real!

The vinyl resurgence is real- I was in Bed Bath & Beyond and saw that they were selling a handful in vinyl LPs. Amazing!

I started buying vinyl in the mid 70's and I'm sure glad I never tossed any of my vinyl one digital came knocking-
Yes, You can find vinyl at BB&B. I think it was just a marketing ploy to sell the cheap turntables they have. I have seen this same marketing at other stores that will sell you just about anything. Gosh, we all seem to have been around in vinyl's early days. I think most of us have been around before the Dead Sea was even sick.....
One step further... I actually enjoy my time consuming process of cleaning my vinyl. I feel it brings me even closer to the experience!

Kind of like the difference between.... taking your kids to a soccer game and dropping them off, or, actually taking a vested interest, and being with them, supporting them throughout the whole process which will deny you some "me time" later on.
Wolf _garcia,

You nailed it!  I too was born in that era and get a thrill out of playing an LP that I bought myself 40+ years ago.  The sound is incredible even from discs that I played on cheap gear when I was ten years old.  I have yet to hear a remastered version of anything original that I own that sounds better then the first pressing copy in my collection.  And I don't mind getting up every 20 minutes or so to flip the record over.  Keeps me from getting fat and lazy. =)

I was born in "that era" also and I have LPs going back to the early 60s (some earlier) and have found that there's nothing more convenient than putting one of them on my turntable to listen to it. I listen to digital stuff plenty and like CDs…my digital system also sounds great…but I find it hard to play vinyl on anything but a turntable…you can't cram it into a CD slot, and if you put one on a DAC absolutely nothing happens. I like listening to a Jethro Tull LP knowing it's the EXACT one I was listening to in 1969, and it sounds astonishing. You can own art or just look at it on your computer…go to a museum or simply look at masterpieces on your phone…drive a sports car or get a driving simulator for your Sony big screen…choices...
I tossed mine out when CD's came out. I can't say I really miss it. Digital is so much more easy to work with and I don't have to cue up records nor pick up the tone arm when the record ends.
I know some must have the analog sound, but having been born in that era, I have now embraced the new-even if it isn't the 'end all' in sound reproduction. Convenience, and the large internet library have me hooked.
You can also pick up one of those fine turntable offerings from Crosley!!!! :)