Vintage Japanese DD Consult and Suggestions Please

A little over five years ago, I worked with Chris Harban at Woodsong Audio to craft a bespoke Garrard 301 for me and my my vinyl collection. I had previously had a Dual of some model followed by a Thorens TD 160 with a nice Ortofon Black MM cart. The 301 was completely restored featuring a heavy mahogany plinth, Ortofon AS 309S tonearm, and Ortofon SPU head. I have completely blown away with how this table has sounded and looked. The sound was huge, rich, and detailed...everything that I heard that idle drives from this era should sound.

Unfortunately, some family health matters have forced me to liquidate some much revered audio gear, and recently placed my Garrard 301 up for sale. I do not wish to be without a way to continue to enjoy my collection and would somehow like to come as close to the performance of the 301 for around $2500 or so. 

My considerations (thus far)for this change are as follows,

Denon DP80

Technics SP10 Mk 2 or 3

Technics SL 1000 Mk 2

Luxman PD 444

As you can see, I am curious about the more vintage looks and sound of the direct drives coming out of Japan, and am hoping to glean from this audience which of these units may provide me with the same (or as close to)level of enjoyment that my 301 has done. Thoughts on tonearm and MC cartridges pairings with each would be helpful.

I am not really considering anything belt driven at this time for whatever reason, or a deck that veers away from a traditional turntable aesthetic.

If it helps, the rest of the signal chain is as follows.

Aric Audio Motherlode preamp

Manley Steelhead phono pre

Aric Audio Transcend EL 34 push/pull amp

Klipsch Forte iv speakers.


I am grateful in advance for your thoughts on this matter.




Lewm, I used to travel to Japan for work at least twice a year and I had a customer in Kyoto (I don’t think it could get better than that :) who was an audiophile and he introduced me to a to a friend, used equipment dealer/collector in the area. I was offered P3 at least on 3 occasions and I pulled the  plug twice, unfortunately the  first  time UPS totally trashed it so the second time I took it with me on the plane. Unfortunately, my employer exited electronics business and it was not done gracefully so I'm no longer in contact with these guys. I had some other contacts so I will try to find them and PM to you.  When I was in Japan after Covid in 2023 I did only vinyl shopping in Tokyo  and it was not the same: the selection and the quality went down big time. It probably did not help that it was August, but I did vinyl shopping in summer before.

One thing that I actually never saw in Japan was L07D. One day we should do a shoot out between your L07D  and  P3 as I think we live within 2 hour drive.

I would seek a seller who is willing to provide a history of service and to guarantee that the DP80 is in perfect working condition. Second, bear in mind that most likely any DP80 you find will have been built for 100V AC supply.  That is zero problem here in the US. Just buy a 120V to 100V step down transformer of which there are many suitable ones on eBay.  50W capacity is more than sufficient.  I think I paid less than $100 for mine.  I actually have two such step down transformers; the Kenwood L07D also requires 100VAC input. Do not try to operate a 100V TT off our 120VAC mains without a step down.  That leads to burning up unobtainable chips inside.

@laaudionut In Japan they often mate DP75&80 with SME or SAEC and from my experience both are decent choices. There are other choices and it also depends on what cartrifges you have or planning to use. I like FR arms but they have resonance issues so they need some modifictions. PM me and we will talk.



@laaudionut  When it comes to turntable SQ it depends on 1)cart, 2) tonerm, 3) motor, 4) plinth. 

I've seen a few comparisons when people did it right and matched all components. You can make an educated guess by comparing published specs.

Below it the link to the table that I made a while ago with the spec comparsison of some DD motors that you are considering.


@alexv has the formula and order correct but depending on room and system bandwidth / SPL ( the op has at present 2x JL subs ) i would add isolation. my plinth is 70# on a 300# rack, speakers in room flat to 20 and spring isolation require d at moderate spl. 90 db peaks. i’ve got 4 arms to choose from on the DP-75 tables, Triplaner Ultimate, Dynavector DV-505, Ortofon 309 Japan geometry 12”, and Infinity Black Widow. Does OP have a target cartridge in mind to steer our inputs ..?

i don’t necessarily agree w shop cosmetics… some parts are as Lew said unobtainable.. PbN charges $75 for platter and about $700 for recap and chip preservation wizardry. I know Peter and always include some beer $$$… hence my fuzziness on pricing.

Yes Japan is supercool. used to get there for work and visit my Sensei… Sounds to me like a sorted or high functioning TT from @alexv is a prudent course…