If your amp wattage totals over 100 watts, leave it(them) back into the wall.
Everything else will benefit.
Vinshine X Collaboration with Kinki Studio, TheTai Hang power enhancer
What a surprise after installing the Taihang in my system,, in a word, amazing. Stage depth clarity was amoung one of the first things I notice. My system consists of tubes pre and power amps, with a digital and analog front end. Tubes as we know exhibit a second harmonic noise distortion which is a given and something we live with as it’s our perception as being more musical. Dirty power can add more nastiness to this by way of unfiltered AC. With the addition of the Taihang it has made all the background information much more clearer. My speakers are fairly high resolving so was able to take advantage of this additional gain the Taihang give me. Leading edges from instruments started and stopped more precisely still retaining musicality. Black background noise seemed non existent as we like saying but in this case it really does without straining to not hear. So clean power can do all this, seems to be! Also will mention as in some cases experienced with power amps, I sensed no loss in dynamics or compression which is one of the biggest concerns when implementing such products. This in my first day of listening. So again I’ll go back to my original statement, amazing! Alvin’s collaboration as he calls it, has some magic inside this beautifully crafted box.
*Question; So each plug on the back of the TaiHang will deliver 15A per outlet even when all 4 outlets are in use? Thus 60A in total assuming the wall outlet is giving 15 A capacity? Thank you, *@daytrader: Each outlet is capable of delivering 15A. However, the actual limit depends on the wall sockets’ current capacity, which typically ranges from 13A to 20A, as well as the total power draw of all equipment connected to the Taihang. For example, the following equipment are connected to the Taihang, with their respective operating currents: CDT 1.5A DAC 1.0A Preamp 1.5A Power Amp 8A The total current delivered by the Taihang will be 12A. However, during peak moments—such as when the music demands higher wattage from the power amp—the current consumption may briefly spike to around 13A. The Taihang is designed to handle such instantaneous surges without issue. Hope this helps! Many thanks, Alvin Chee @ Vinshine.Audio. Thank You! @daytrader |
This is a first for me; I have never lowered the noise floor on my system before. I have increased transparency consistently but never lowered the noise floor. I’ve been listening critically since the early ‘80s and have used a wide variety of components in the last 45 years. I greatly prefer tube amplification and enjoy building my own, but I also buy commercial units every now and then. After adding the Tai Hang to my system, I noticed some things right away. Dynamics, especially the low-level details, are noticeably better. Think about brush work on cymbals…those subtle accents in the background that are contributing nuance to the music. I’ve certainly experienced increases in transparency and low-level details during prior upgrades, but there was a subtle difference this time. There’s just something different between increasing the resolving power of the system and reducing the noise level. I can’t hear “blackness”, at least my brain can’t, but I can certainly hear a number of small things now that were buried beneath the noise floor before I cleaned up the mains supply. The decay of notes are longer and clearer; they don’t get chopped off when they hit the noise floor, plus the low-level dynamics I mentioned above. I started my evaluation with my headphone system, which is simple, but has good resolution. It’s not uber high end but it definitely has enough transparency to identify small changes in the system. FWIW, this is my 7th standalone DAC and it’s a stunner, especially when fed a clean hi-res signal. I put a very light load on the Tai Hang in my initial use case, so I can’t verify what it does with heavier loads like a power amp. Next month, after I upgrade my power amp…
Here are the system details: |
Gonna give this a try in my other system. Have two PSM156’s so it’ll be interesting to A/B/C this between my PSM 156, Niagara 1200 and not using one at all. I’ve been a believe in power conditioning after I had custom 20a outlets put in, with audiophile wall outlets. The PSM 156 took care of my noise problem, also tried expensive power cables (they do help) and hum eliminators. Have since moved on to shunyata power cables, but still love the PSM 156. This will a cool item to try at it's price point and based on internals, looks more impressive then my 1200.