Vibration control. Tube equipment. What's the best way to do it ?

I have VAC Avatar SE integrated sitting on thick maple block which in turn sits on three big brass Audiopoint cones that penetrate through the floor carpet.

How would you improve it ?



Mpingo is African Blackwood


I see that is the same stuff that clarinets and oboes are made from. Must have some "good vibrations" going on. 

I suppose grain structure could affect sound, I was thinking the sap or moisture content but that would dry after tree death and manufacturing processes. And you're right, all the variety of wood in musical instruments. I suppose some experts with violins, guitars could tell us much.

Every platform will affect SQ in some way.  Springs, dampers, etc.  I. Perceive the minus K platforms to be the most neutral.

I heard about minus K, some put their turntables on those platforms. That's expensive solution, anyway.