Very sad news - George Wright has died

George Wright, a veritable giant in the industry, has died. Aside from building amazing audio components, George was above all, a sweetheart of a person. He came to our house a handful of times, usually spending the day, petting the dogs, savoring a soda, and listening to music. He was a hang-out, storytelling man with a heart of gold.

Every so often, George would call up just to chat about audio, and ask if we still loved the amps. He was tickled that my wife would tell him of her favorite 2A3, or 6SN7, and that she could so eloquently put the character of his amplifiers into words.

George, you will be missed terribly.
I have been using his phono preamp for the past several years. I thank him every time I turn it on - it's that good. He will be missed.
Howard this has actually brought tears to my eyes hearing this news. Just now (and after all of this time for some reason) I clicked on your profile to see what you have been up to and stumbled upon this sad news. I have been very satisfied with my sound as of late and a very good reason for that is George's amplifier that you so kindly guided me towards Howard. I will honor his life everytime i listen to music through them!!! Thank you for letting us know of his passing. Truly sad about hearing of his passing. But we are not built to last. Thank you so very much George!!!! Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!
George was a true artisan...a man who had a passion to create and build quality products at affordable prices - an all-too-rare commodity these days. I own a WPP-200C, and the phone calls with him before that purchase revealed a man who loved what he did and was willing to share his time and knowledge with others.

He will TRULY be missed.
Very sad to hear this. Owned some of his gear and did speak with him on several occasions. As all have said he was a wonderful man who make very nice sounding gear.

We will miss him and his impact on audio. My prayers go out to his family.
Sorry to hear this.

Never had the pleasure of owning any of his components, but the kind words in this thread go a long way to serving as a testament to them.

May he rest in peace.
What a huge loss for society, overall, and the audio industry in particular. I spoke with George on the phone a few times while looking into his top phono preamp. He was always kind, sincere, and incredibly helpful.

At a time when many companies are trying to push the envelope on cost/aesthetics, George preferred to go the other direction.
My thoughts and prayers are with his loved ones and audio has lost a real gentleman. May he rest in peace.
Yes, in my correspondence with George, I also found him to be an honorable gentleman. Rest in peace, sir.
Didn't know him personally but his great customer service was exceeded only by his design prowess and dedication and to his simply executed but eminently musical gear.

My hopes and prayers are with him and his family during this difficult time.
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George was a very nice man. I also enjoyed my time with him. Knowing him a bit I would guess that he was at peace with his own mortality. RIP George.