Isn't that how they usually sound??? Just kidding :)
Hmmm... I would call Velodyne Service about that and describe the symptoms. They probably can give you some diagnosis over the phone. Whether or not they still do this I don't know - but a few years ago, if you had a Kaput ULD series and they couldn't repair it, they would cut you a very good deal on a new DD series. And I mean VERY VERY good deal - like flat out wholesale - about half or less $$$ of the List Retail.
Hmmm... I would call Velodyne Service about that and describe the symptoms. They probably can give you some diagnosis over the phone. Whether or not they still do this I don't know - but a few years ago, if you had a Kaput ULD series and they couldn't repair it, they would cut you a very good deal on a new DD series. And I mean VERY VERY good deal - like flat out wholesale - about half or less $$$ of the List Retail.