Velodyne ULD 15 mk II Help with servo amp

My 400 watt servo amp is due for some much needed service after many years of use. I assume that is will be gone for at least a few weeks.
The questions are:
1-Where's the best place for service? Or just send it to Velodyne? I do have some locals in Pittsburgh who are good.
2-Can I use a good mono amp with the sub? The sub currently has both the servo, RCA, wire from the amp and a speaker cable. I have always had both sets run to the sub. My mono amp obviously doesn't have the servo control. Will it work without damaging the sub? Any alternatives?
Thanks for the help,

Showing 1 response by elevick

Thanks folks. I appreciate the input. The amp is working, the volume is beat and the sub sounds very slow and muddy.