VAS (Steven Leung) cartridge repair/retipping service?

Any experience with or opinions about VAS/Steven Leung repair/retipping service?  Not for VAS cartridge.


Showing 3 responses by hdm

Absolutely. I'm currently running an Accuphase AC2 which I purchased without a stylus on it off ebay. I had another re-tipper re-work that cartridge about 4-5 months ago with a Namiki boron cantilever/microridge stylus combination and it is a beautiful cartridge. Similar pedigree to your Monster-from the same (Zyx) designer. 

Have a little bit more into it than your Monster but not much. About $650, which is chump change for cartridges any more it seems. I don't feel any need to move further with cartridges on the stereo front but I may do some modifications to an AT 33 Mono that I have here in terms of putting a slightly more exotic stylus profile (and possibly cantilever) on it to try and supercharge it. 

Steve seems to have a stellar reputation; it is great for all of us that might want to have cartridge work done to have an option to go to him. 
Hi Bill:

I don't need another cartridge right now but I have to admit that I was watching that one that Steve had online for sale LOL. The price was pretty attractive I thought  ;)

I believe Steve retipped that with a FG stylus but I am curious: do you know what the original cantilever material (info online is somewhat sketchy) was and if Steve changed the cantilever? It looked like aluminum in the photos when he had it online. 

Regardless of what has been done with it, I would expect it to be a very high value cartridge in terms of performance vs. current cartridge offerings at todays' prices. 
I had Steve do work on 2 cartridges late last year for me. I sent him two Namiki boron cantilevers with MR styli that I had myself and had him install those on an AT 33 Mono and an SAEC C1. 

Extremely happy with the work-turnaround time could possibly have been a bit better but as mentioned above, Covid has wreaked havoc with a lot of our schedules lately and I believe Steve finished one fairly quickly but the other might have sat around for a bit. In any event, a couple of months was still ok in my book. 

I'm set for cartridges now for a few years. They're both endgame cartridges for me (fully realizing that they might be considered entry level by others LOL!) and sound really, really good IMO. 

I would not hesitate to use Steve again or recommend him.