Vandersteen Quatro sub setup


I am a happy owner of a pair of Vandersteen Quatro, I love their incredible sound!!

I'm trying to follow the sub eq calibration procedure to set up properly in the room, I'm not convinced that I understood the procedure perfectly.

I kindly ask your support ..

With a Spl Meter and Vandertones files downloaded directly from RV Site,  I completed the procedure on the left speaker, adjusting the volume of my Ayre preamp for 2/3 of the 1/11 tracks to sound above 70 dB and 1/3 below. then I set the equalizer bands to 25% of the difference obtained from the spl meter above and below 70 db.

for Example:  for 76 db I selected +1,5 on the respective eq band ..
Do you think is the correct approach? I mean .. instead of compensating for the gap between the value 76 above 70 db, do I still have to increase the equalizer parameter?
I continued the procedure playing tracks from 12 to 22, then I adjusted the low frequency level of the right speaker so that 2/3 of the tracks sound at 70 decibels or more ..and I note on a notepad exactly the db obtained.
Is it about these last data that I have to set the bands of the right eq speaker? .. i Suppose always considering 25% of the difference compared to the usual 70 decibels, right?

I do not know if I could explain correctly, I apologize for my not really perfect English ..

Thank's a lot

best regards

@ stringreen: thanks for the advice, i'm using single ended connection
@ tomic601: good morning! I am of your own opinion, I am absolutely convinced that the consistency, the timbric balance and the musicality of these speakers are the maximum achievable in this price range and beyond .. your intervention has solved all my doubts, I believe there was a mistake in the translation of the manual I have. Therefore I will proceed to attenuate or raise the sound pressure by intervening on the corresponding equalization band with a value equal to 2/3 of the difference, considering the 70 dB the flat condition, as in the example you made.
Thank you so much for the time you dedicated me, I WILL ENJOY ! 

you want the countour on sub set to zero and the sub level set to flat ( zero ) when you measure each speaker, you use the preamp volume control to get 2/3 above flat.

you adjust countour and level LAST after getting the EQ on both speakers correct.

so for your example of 76 db which is + 6 you would cut by 2/3 of 6 = 4, so reduce using the corresponding trim pot on back of speaker
in this case rotate the trim pot counter clockwise. go thru all 11 adjustments and rerun. DO not attempt perfectly flat.

after you do both speaker EQ i suggest adjusting countour to .7 which is typical audiophile flat tight bass. Play some music with decent bass energy... Ray Brown - Soular energy is superb for this...
adjust countour to taste and room, my 7 countour is set at .75
next adjust the subwoofer level during the bass scaling solo in the Vandertones disc, you are looking for cohesive, smooth, no peaks and valleys in loudness as it scales up and do that by ear


in my opinion, you have one of the best speakers on the planet !
You have to use an analogue sound meter - not digital.  Are you using balanced or single ended?