Vandersteen 2w or 2wq's

I have a nice pair of Vandersteen 3a sigs and was thinking about adding subwoofers.
Audiogon has listings for a pair of 2w's. My question is:
What differences are there between the 2w and 2wq's(besides the variable q) sound wise?
Should I be concerned about buying an old subwoofer-does anything wear out and need replacing?
Thanks Bob
Even tho your placement option are limited you can still download vandertones and buy the analog meter shack spl meter and tweak sub location to tame humps and suckout....
You will be suprised how unflat your room is..every room...
This will of course eventually make you want a pair of quattros or better..but hey..
Btw pair of quattros on the gon less than 5k with 11 band eq below 120..
Call me a fan boy..
Have fun 3a sig most under rated giant killer out there..imo..
JohnnyR,  these are in my LR/DR. I can only place them in a couple of positions due to furniture. As they are now positioned, the 3a sigs sound pretty good. I know I could do better, but, as I said there are only a couple of good positions available. I am hoping the subs will even out the room.
I have angled them as best I can using the Vandersteen instructions. 

Agree w Tomic AQ works great my fav.

With Vandersteens you want to stay with the exact same
 ga cable high and low.

 A Double Bi Wire run of Rocket 88 to the 3A Sigs will pay off with its neutrality and definition especially when you high pass and add the 2W subs.  

(((Is there anything else I need to do?)))
How bout measure and share with us your exact measurements of Room example 13x 24 x 8
How far apart your speakers are tweeter to tweeter.
Distance from Front wall behind speakers to center of 3A Sig
Distance from side wall to center of 3A Sig
Distance front of speaker to your left ear / right ear.
Distance sitting in chair ((Your ears to ground)) example 37 inches
Also pick up a bubble level and a laser pointer
for precision tilt back, a sharpie pen, and 2 Post it notes.
i happen to be an Audioquest fan. I am sure others will weigh in on cables. Low of AQ and Richard Vandersteen share the DBS patent.

Johnny, Thanks for the detailed reply.
I ended up getting a pair of 2w's from someone in Michigan. He has good feedback, so let's hope for the best.
They are about 12 years old or so, so not too old. 
Amazon delivered Ray Brown, yesterday. I was a nice listen even without the subs.
I am reading and re-reading the 2w and 2wq manuals, as well as the M5-ht sheet. Is there anything else I need to do?
I posted on the cables forum regarding something good but not expensive. Can you or anyone on Agon provide some info?
Thanks Bob
((As a Vandersteen dealer, have you seen any issues with old 2w subs?
Mr. V said they were getting a bit old and more prone to problems.))

We still have many folks with 2Ws operating issue free.
The problem with anything used is history or chance of abuse
 from prior owners.
You really need to be able to check out and verify. Purchase from an honorable source that's willing to back it up.

If you end up getting your 2nd 2W locally without an issue properly set up will still easily outperform any single unit....

A pair of the newer 2WQs offers a a more powerful internal amp/ much improved bracing and contour for more precise blending in a variety of different room types.

Tomics  Solar Energy..Ray Brown is well appreciated.
 This recording allows us to listen,adjust and achieve the right amount and tightness, feel or preferences with bass transition.
 By adjusting High Pass level / contour controls on each sub you tailor the bass to personal preference 2 subs achieve a far better in room response then one.
  When you get it right the whole system's musical involvement dramatically improves.
Re: Audioconnection
As a Vandersteen dealer, have you seen any issues with old 2w subs?
Mr. V said they were getting a bit old and more prone to problems.
WSPOHN (((While I own a 2W, I also own some Hsu VTF-15H MK2. For $900 these will kill just about anything else at that price point, including the Vandies.)))

Yea if you want big bump at 90 hz bass i guess you are right.
 Take a pair of 2WQs High Passed with the 3A sigs and play Ray Browns acoustic bass and see which sounds natural like music or closer to the Vandy Fives that you also seem to like. Even adding one more 2W will be amazing as a pair of 2WQs smooths out the bass in room response, High Passing allows your main amps burden from lifting below 80 hz and the whole system dramatically improves, increasing transparency and clarity.
  JohnnyR Vandersteen dealer
Dekay, I am from the 70's and I never heard or used 'Telecon'. Maybe it was a regional term. Maybe I'm growing forgetful... ;)

Slightly off topic, but I tried to start another discussion but got no response...
Is the M5-HT crossover limited to Vandersteen subwoofers? Can it be used with other brands?
While I own a 2W, I also own some Hsu  VTF-15H MK2. For $900 these will kill just about anything else at that price point, including the Vandies.

Telecon (also telcon) is 80's speak for telephone conversation (in this case the one you mentioned having with Richard Vandersteen).

A few inches (one way or the other) can make sizable differences in the bass/mid-bass qualityof a speaker, which is why I mention "time/effort" in my post.

Anyway, just saying do the best you can with what you have before adding subs/moving on et cetera.

the 3a sig which i owned for a decade put out significant and high quality bass...tuning to room involves some work but so does any speaker..the manual is a great place to start. Do you have a Vandy dealer nearby ?
you might also invest in an analog Radio Shack SPL meter and download the Vandertones. You dont have the Quattro EQ but you can tune via movement. Use your ears also.
i dont think RV spends too much time here, thank him on the Vandy FB page..he might see that. 
you also have Rutan commenting on your thread he is IMO top 3 Vandy dealer in USA.

Delkay, this is my 1st post.
I have no idea what a telecon is..., but thanks for the information.

I have to agree with you though, when I move the speakers around, I do hear difference.  My problem is that I have a limited number of places to move the speakers. That is why I thought using subwoofers would help, though I might be mistaken.
As you mentioned having a smaller listening room (your post about a telecon with RV) I suggest spending lots of time/effort properly  positioning the 3A Sigs for best overall balance and leave it @ that.

Even in a large room the V subs rarely come into play, when mated with the 3A and/or 3A Sigs, with most music.

I also spent an afternoon auditioning the original 5's, when they first came out, and felt that the above held up as well (for that model as compared to the 3A Sigs + V subs).

Post removed 
I know a fellow audiophile in Mpls , MN who is selling a pair of the 2wq . He is the original owner and from what i seen they were in great condition . He is asking $1500 for the pair . Send me a private message if you would like his info .
Just off the phone with Mr. Vandersteen...
His recommendation-buy Quattro CT's. (He noted that my current room size was on the small size, and the Quattro's would offer better optimization).
Since I just bought the 3a sigs, I don't think it is going to happen.

Regarding the subwoofers, he recommended the 2wq's over the 2w's, as the latter were long in the tooth. And, if I went with the 2wq's that I buy a pair, not a single, and preferably a pair of similar vintage.
But, ultimately he said the Quattro CT's would be the best way to go.

RE: Audioconnection-
I did read through the owners manual, as well as the FAQ and just needed information that I did not find.
Actually, this telephone conversation was rather nice. Though I can't believe he can actually take the time and respond to all those questions.

If you are reading this Mr. Vandersteen, a well deserved 'Thank You'
Bob Wong
pmotz307 posts01-25-2016 9:18am(((The 2W offers a somewhat "looser" sound which is intended more for the home theater crowd.  The 2Wq is more intended for use in a music system, the variable "q" allowing you to adjust the bass to your liking and more importantly, to the music.)))

Pmotz You are thinking of the V2w = Home theater sub
(((I will leave a message with Vandersteen. (I was surprised last week that he personally called me back, though he does seem a bit brusque).))

 I would strongly suggest you read the well written owners manual first before you ask RV a question that was already in the manual or feel free to shoot it to me
if its soothing you are not sure on.
          Best JohnnyR
 Vandersteen dealer
Thanks for all the responses.
I just got the Vandy 3 a sigs, so I don't think I will be upgrading my speakers anytime soon.
lI currently have separate amp and preamps(All McCormack). So, installing the crossover shouldn't be a problem.
I will leave a message with Vandersteen. (I was surprised last week that he personally called me back, though he does seem a bit brusque).
The 2W offers a somewhat "looser" sound which is intended more for the home theater crowd.  The 2Wq is more intended for use in a music system, the variable "q" allowing you to adjust the bass to your liking and more importantly, to the music.
The 2Ws are pretty long in the tooth now.  Certain s/ns have had the amp upgraded. Check w RV. 
the Q IF you can put filter between pre and amp or if your integrated as this feature.
spend some quality time at Vandersteen website
the FAQ section under support
The line level preserves amp transfer function and will result in better sound.
I had 3 A sig for many many years...
Personally I would flip them for a pair of used Model 5... there you get the better filters, much more capable subs, 11 band EQ, etc..
But I also understand the appeal of a $500 sub