Using a Rel Sub with a dedicated center channel

Anyone using a Rel subwoofer with their dedicated center channel in a home theater? Rel has a video on their youtube page from a couple years ago on how to do this and talk about the benefits a little. Someone in the comments makes the case that any channel in a HT can benefit from a subwoofer being added but it does have me intrigued. So much of the sound comes for a HT comes from the center channel it makes me think it might benefit. I am already running 2 SVS SB4000 in my setup. The Yamaha CX-A5200 I am using sets my B&W HTM 1 center channel at 120 hz for crossover and the Vandersteen 2ce sigs that are my are RL channels to 80hz. I actually really like the sound of everything right now but think maybe this can take it to the next level?

Showing 4 responses by erik_squires

The lower in F you go, the more power the receiver has to put out. That is, the power shifts from the subwoofer to the receiver, so that's a little bit of a concern, also, the more bass a small speaker plays, the more distortion.

Without seeing what the receiver is doing precisely, I suspect that 80 to 120 Hz is in a good range.  In some cases you may be limited to hte smallest speaker defining the crossover.  For instance, if you have really small surrounds, which MUST be set to 120, the receiver may only be able to use 1 crossover setting and will choose 120 for all speakers, even if your center is bigger.
I just looked at the specs, after @auxinput commented.

I’m not sure large is the right answer, but 120 Hz seems like a very high cut off. 80 Hz is the THX standard, and a better compromise.
The problem with setting them to large is potentially more distortion, so my recommendation might be to try these two options. Try setting to 80, and then to large.

Remember that in either case, your HT processor should send the remaining bass to the other two subs. 
Could the sub potentially fill in the 60-120 hz range for the center channel though?

You mean like your two existing subs are now??

I'm not sure you understand how this works in HT. The HT processor is already sending this to your existing subs. You aren't losing anything.
Yes, subwoofers are great, no you don't need more. :)

So long as your center is set to small ( instead of full range) your HT processor is already sending the bass to the subs in addition to the LFE.  You already have the benefits.

Personally, I go the other way. My center sits on top of my sub, and my front 3 speakers are set to small.  Works great. Before my sub was under the left speaker.  Sounded exactly the same, wonderful. :)