Using a NAIM preamp (102) in a non-NAIM system?

I found a listing on a good deal on a working NAIM 102 (doesn't have the NAPSC); I have no plan on getting any other NAIM components for the rest of my system. The system would be relatively simple.  But that said, would it be even worth getting the 102 if I'm not pairing it with a NAIM poweramp, and am connecting it to other components almost entirely using DIN to RCA adaptors?

+1 varyat

you don't want to go down the Naim wire, power supply hole that's a never ending hole by the way. Unless you have all Naim. Also the 102 imo after owning one was nothing to scream about.

Don't. Naim preamp's are designed to work with Naim amps. Choose another brand if you are not planning on any more Naim boxes...