The greatest problem in the Us now is the division polarization of the different instances of government, and of the population, between those who takes the health crisis very seriously, and those who does not or dont want to understand the prioritization of the health crisis problem...
The Group A (those wo takes that seriously) confinement, testing necessities, impossibility to going back to work, before the health crisis will be under control,are mainly democrats and responsible republicans, yes they exist (Romney for example)...
The Group B is mostly constituted by republicans( underestimating and even negating the health crisis) that takes all the health crisis slightly (Rand Paul), that takes way more seriously the coming depression, that are more preoccupied by the economic crisis, without even understanding the link between the 2...It is simple: Market cannot assess price in total uncertainty period amid a non controlled health crisis... And Bail-outs will not save the economy except if the health crisis in controlled under 6 months...
The fact that Trump is at the head of group B, and promote to going to work, even before the crisis was controlled, and maintain this conditioning of the mind among the general population, create more polarization, impeach and obstruct an homogeneous action and response at all level of government,and more tragically in the general population day to day actions and reactions, all this irrational lack of action and contradictory stances of Trump wishful thinking will be see by future historians as the most stupid plan of action in all history amid a pandemic...
What I describe is only factual, feel free to bash me if it gives to your blinded soul some consolation....
The Group A (those wo takes that seriously) confinement, testing necessities, impossibility to going back to work, before the health crisis will be under control,are mainly democrats and responsible republicans, yes they exist (Romney for example)...
The Group B is mostly constituted by republicans( underestimating and even negating the health crisis) that takes all the health crisis slightly (Rand Paul), that takes way more seriously the coming depression, that are more preoccupied by the economic crisis, without even understanding the link between the 2...It is simple: Market cannot assess price in total uncertainty period amid a non controlled health crisis... And Bail-outs will not save the economy except if the health crisis in controlled under 6 months...
The fact that Trump is at the head of group B, and promote to going to work, even before the crisis was controlled, and maintain this conditioning of the mind among the general population, create more polarization, impeach and obstruct an homogeneous action and response at all level of government,and more tragically in the general population day to day actions and reactions, all this irrational lack of action and contradictory stances of Trump wishful thinking will be see by future historians as the most stupid plan of action in all history amid a pandemic...
What I describe is only factual, feel free to bash me if it gives to your blinded soul some consolation....