In speaking with W4S today, they remain enamored with the USB especially with the Femto clock - which should be back in my system end of next week. Their advice was to not go the outboard usb to i2s converter route just to avoid more processing and boxes and connections along the signal path. And, at the moment there still is not a good i2s pc card out there that can handle the dsd bit depth. Further, W4S did not seem to think that i2s into the w4s would be significantly better than the usb, if at all, which seems a bit surprising.
At this point, I think I'll switch gears and consider simply improving the USB output from the pc itself. Right now, it's simply usb off the motherboard. Perhaps the SOtM card with their fan and power supply tweaks. Has anyone tried these?
At this point, I think I'll switch gears and consider simply improving the USB output from the pc itself. Right now, it's simply usb off the motherboard. Perhaps the SOtM card with their fan and power supply tweaks. Has anyone tried these?