@singhm1 I did buy the Farad for the M scaler as well. I have to admit I was doing wholesale upgrades to many components and didn't go a good job of keeping track which one was most useful. I do have a story to tell on the m-scaler. for a while I was streaming wirelessly and I put the M-scaler in place and it sounded worse rather than better. I sat it aside. Soon I ran a temporary wire across the floor to see how it sounded while I was trying to figure out how to get a physical wire routed to the streamer. I was shocked at the difference (Improvement). At that time I put the M-scaler back in service and got the improvement that I had been expecting. I went back and forth many times over several days to make sure I wasn't imagining it (which is my normal practice). So bottom line is, the M-scaler will just make a bad digital signal worse. Don't try to uscale a signal with a lot of dropped bits.
your first sentence is perfect, "... a high quality switch and a reclocker should have a pretty good outcome..." Should being the operative word.
I have an audiophile switch now and I loaned to a friend and put the D-link switch back in and don't hear much difference. Still doing research on that and that is why I'm following closely another active thread on streaming that has a lot of switch discussion in it.