Upgraded from Parasound Halo Integrated to Modwright KWA 100 SE

I am really liking the used market for audio components and learning to be patient. Having been thinking about upgrading my amp, I saw a Modwright KWA 100SE listed at USAM a couple of weeks ago at about 40 percent of current list price, so I bought it. I had been using the Parasound HINT as amplifier fed by Parasound P7 preamp (the combo sounded better to my ears than the HINT alone) and was generally satisfied but wanted to know what improvements a higher cost amp would make in my system. I listen to CDs played on an Oppo UDP 205. My speakers are Harbeth Monitor 30.2 XDs, along with two Rythmik F8 subs. 
The Modwright has impressed me during my short time listening to it so far. What I am now hearing is somewhat more lifelike sound with a larger (wider and taller) soundstage in which I can actually discern some depth, along with more distinctly located voices and instruments. Given the difference in list prices between the Parasound HINT and the Modwright, I should not be surprised. I am able to hear some of the differences in sound between midfi and hierfi components, as I had hoped. Since I bought used, I will live with a silver amp sitting beneath my other black components. It’s a tradeoff I am able to accept in exchange for the improvement in sound. I don’t expect to replace the P7 anytime soon, since that preamp sounds good to me and does such a good job integrating my music and HT systems. 
I bought a used Modwright LS 300 Reference Line stage and I absolutely love it. Build quality is outstanding. Soundstage, volume control and detail are  outstanding. I rolled in NOS Mazda rectifiers and Amperex 7803 USN tubes. In the past 3 years I've owned  a Rogue RP 7, ARC REF 10, high end passive and now the LS 300. All had certain advantages, but my favorite of the lot is the Modwright. +1 on Modwright!
The Modwright 36.5 line stage is also a great “used” investment if you replace the power supply tube with a recommended NOS Mullard.  
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The 100 is plenty for the 30.2s  Following your current technique, adding a SWL 9.0 Anniversary might be a nice step.  If you buy used and don't like it, your loss is minimal on reselling.
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While I agree that the KWA 150 SE would provide more juice to my Harbeths, that amp weighs almost twice as much as the 100, and the extra weight would require that I replace a shelf in my Symposium rack. I don’t usually play music at high volumes, so will be happy with the 100 as long as possible. 
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Always heard great quality, build, great quality innards, etc etc. 

  will 100W be enough? Been there, anything less than 200-250WPC, has not enough headroom to properly power song ending kick drum, crescendos, start / stop music during playback.

   I no longer buy anything under 250-300watts these days. The amps strain during loud playback with compressed rock/metal
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