Upgrade Path from Martin Logan 11A Impressions hybrid loudspeaker

My system consists of the following:

  1. Martin Logan 11A Impressions loudspeaker and pair of SVS  subs.
  2. Bryston 4B3 cubed power amplifier & Bryston BP-19 preamp
  3. Lumin U2 mini streamer with Chord Qutest Dac
  4. The Martin Logans sound for a single voices, but not able to recreate an orchestra or in short more than 1-2 instruments at the same time.
  5. Three speakers I am looking into are Pro-AC K-3, Totem Element Metal V2 and Triangle Cello. All three are about $17,000 per pair.  Any thoughts would be appreciated.  Will be ordering Weiss 204 Dac
  6. with a linear power supply.


I’d definitely add the Joseph Audio Perspective 2 to that list.  And the Usher ML-802 is worthy of a look too.  Best of luck. 


I’m not familiar with your 3 choices, but +1 Joseph Audio Perspectives.  Perlisten Audio and Monitor Audio speakers are another solid option with lots of very positive reviews.  For high efficiency I’d choose Volti. 

Your description of how the Martin Logans sound suggest a setup issue or possible a mismatched amplifier.  What volume levels are you listening at?

Also I note you seem to be changing multiple components at the same time.  It's hard to get good results via that method.