upgrade my system......

I am using Proceed HPA2 for my front channel right now,and my speaker is B&W 802N. However, I would like to upgrade my power amplifer to the better one. My friends told my Bryston 7B is the best pick for me, but I never listen to it. Can anyone helps me out,and tell me which one is the right one for me, thanks for your time..
While I have been a long time supporter of Bryston products and still own a 4B-ST I can say with that bias that a pair of 7Bs would do nicely. I have also heard the 802n speakers with a Sim Audio W5 and was very impressed - it would make another nice piece to audition if you can.
no offense to anyones comments but your close with what you own. Buy Mark Levinson they are much more musical sounding than bryston. I had them both and the levinson blows away the proceed buy alot good luck you will be happy.....
To best the Proceed, yes, the Bryston 7B-ST would do it. You will never need another amp. I must tell you that I do not own one, although I hope to one day. Right now I use the 4B-ST, which is 250wcp and the same size as ONE of the 7B monoblocks. Bryston, the company is top notch for service and just general advice. I'm sure there are some other people on this site who can attest to the sound quality of the 7B. You can also check out the review in Stereophile. They rated the 7B Class A.