Call John Pharo at The Cable Company and ask him to send you one to try. A long time ago I auditioned the MC2, the Kimber D-60 and the Stereovox HDXV. As John told me when I asked about the difference, he said that the MC2 was 'musical' and the other two (both by Chris S.) were 'transparent'.
I've gone through other digital cables since that I liked better since those days, but the Stealth Varidig Sextet ( $3,200.00 for XLR, $2,400.00 for RCA ) is, in one simple word: 'special'.
There is a rightness, a natural something about it that when you take it out and put your old cable back in, it just isn't right any more.
And yes, you can find them on Audiogon used at reasonable prices.