Upgrade a power cord for a NAD?

I probably know what answers I may receive but I ask this question to those having a similar system......I have a NAD C375BEE integrated amp. While not considered "high end" it is more than adequate for my needs. All of the interconnects for additional components are replaced with ones that came "in the box" with decent quality Audioquest cables and others. There is no dedicated line for the system, power conditioner, or upgraded power outlet.
My question.....Would an upgraded power cable for the NAD provide any noticeable improvement in performance over the stock cable NAD provides?
If the power cable is a nonissue in my system, then it is what it is. Any opinions out there?
Take justvintagestuff's offer or try a Pangea power cord that fits your budget. Check out Audio Advisor. Also E-bay.
... please contact me for the (corrected 5') SilnoteAudio Posideon GL powercord; I have now offered twice!
justvintagestuff ......Thank You for all of your suggestions. This is truly an interesting hobby. In the end, it's always about what sounds best to OUR ears.My system is probably pretty modest in comparison to many posting on this site.My system with the NAD amp.....
PSB Imagine B stand mount speakers2 10" powered subsOutlaw ICBM bass managementPioneer PL-530 TT (original owner) with Grado Gold cartridgeGraham Slee phono stageNAD C546BEE CD
I occasionally listen with headphones but mostly thru the speakers. All of the interconnects are Audioquest but not the lowest Evergreen line. I would love to be able to afford some of the more expensive components described here and will continue to investigate power cords. I am just skeptical about spending mega bucks on cables and the like if my system is not capable of reaping the benefits of them.Thanks again for the input from all.

Well - you got me motivated again to break in a new power cord and see what I think: pulled out the JOB Sweetcord and inserted a new unused Acoustic Research Performance cord (was about $50 as I remember for 3').
Immediate difference: more forward presentation, less bass prominance, and more immediacy in the vocals; more detail in 300+ hours...


PS: Since I have an extra one: contact me at dad101195@hotmail.com, and I will gladly send a 3' SilnoteAudio Posedion GL power cord to get you started on your adventure...
BTW: I would luv to hear your NAD 'grow', breathe, flex it's muscles; from what I read about it, you've got a gem there, something worth building on.

AND: What speakers are you playing thru, or headphones?
I liked the lower priced Transparent Audio power cords with my NAD C372Bee .  You can find them around $100 used and sell for same if you do not like...Transparent's low cost stuff is often overlooked...
jrpnde: I only am offering that you trust your own ears:
If you listen and compare, over time, either you
will or will not hear differences and only you will be able to access "BETTER" for you with your system.
But it is not quick, it does take time, and comparison...

I believe that interconnects and power cords need break-in time because I have heard the differences over time; others believe there is no difference and it is unnecessary. Logic doesn't necessarily apply here; ONLY YOU can determine this for yourself: TRUST YOUR EARS.

You mentioned Audioquest already in your system - investigate their powercords.

Costs vary widely - I am sure you can find alternatives within your budget.

I offerred other brands - Silnote Audio Posideon GL, JOB Sweetcord and PS Audio Statement SC - because I use them and find improvements in clarity, definition and speed of delivery/immediacy (toe-tapping jump) and I switch them from time to time, according to the recording I am listening to...

I won't even address the BRAIN BREAK IN (Psychoacoustics) you bring up, but I try to deal with that by making changes within my system and accessing the 'differences' I hear. And is is always ongoing...

Good Luck in your quest for Your Sound.

I wonder if the lag is because they gave more bandwidth to The Insider Lobby?
I apologize if I posted duplicate responses. Seems the AG website is operating with a substantial lag tonight.
justvintagestuff . Thank you for your suggestions. As I stated in my OP, I have replaced all of the supplied interconnects"out of the box" ones that came with connected components that they supply. I use mostly high grade Audioquest cables and others that are a bit more expensive.
Mine is not a high end system. I have read many forum comments about "break in". Surely, a topic of intense debate. Maybe some components such as speakers need a sufficient break in time. But....cables? I just can't see that as a matter of logic. Maybe some types of break in times are just "brain" break in times.
Please read my OP. Just ask about a replacement power cord for my modest NAD amp.Thank You.
justvintagestuff . Thank you for your suggestions. As I stated in my OP, I have replaced all of the supplied interconnects"out of the box" ones that came with connected components that they supply. I use mostly high grade Audioquest cables and others that are a bit more expensive.
Mine is not a high end system. I have read many forum comments about "break in". Surely, a topic of intense debate. Maybe some components such as speakers need a sufficient break in time. But....cables? I just can't see that as a matter of logic. Maybe some types of break in times are just "brain" break in times.
Please read my OP. Just ask about a replacement power cord for my modest NAD amp.Thank You.
... obviously: akg_ca and I have differing HOs, not unusual in this realm.

But I do agree that a dedicated power line is important, and would make a difference, and maybe doable for you in the future. For me - it wasn't or isn't, so I do what I can when I can...

I would start with interconnects - but if you have the possibility to swap out powercords, I have only one other serious suggestion:

I can hear the differences between the PS Audio Statement SC, The JOB Sweetcord and the Silnote Audio Posedion GL thru both my 2nd system - an old Pioneer Elite DVD/CD player, a cheapo Monoprice Integrated (about $160), and vintage JBL Prima L25 (which some JBL engineers believe might be their best effort ever) AND my main system: Marantz SA-8001 SACD player, new JOB INT and Gershman Avant Garde RX-20 speakers.

Find a local brick-and-mortar that will allow you to test different cords (and interconnects - don't forget them) or there are cable companies on the internet who allow you time to make decisions.

THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER IS THAT EVERYTHING (ESPECIALLY POWERCORDS AND INTERCONNECTS) NEED SERIOUS BREAK-IN TIME (I USUALLY DO 300+ CONTINUOUS HOURS AT THE START, varying volume over both long and short periods of time - and then I usually run them daily for about 15 days, 8 hrs/day)


Good Luck Bud - enjoy the revelations... 
I had the predecessor NAD C370 integrated amp in an old “B” system with its attached hardwired uber-cheap power cord.

i has it professionally modded with dremmelling out the back plate to accommodate a female IEC and now with a new external power cord.


There was a debatable small audio improvement with the mod ....but .....IMO it’s not worth the expense or hassle to do it with only a debatable small audio performance step-up. I would not do it again.

The amp itself does its yeoman duty built as a mid-fi build component but it won’t deliver any “a-ha” moment with mods or tweaks.

The litmus test that its internal mid-fi build and resulting audio performance was impervious to mods arose in that after the mod was done, I swapped in different external power cords ranging from $50 DIY cable up to a $$700 top-brand cable borrowed from my “A” system ...... with no difference in audio performance between the various cables like I saw in my “A” system.

The insertion of a dedicated AC power line from the breaker panel to the wall socket I have found to be a much better first step upgrade option. If you don’t have that to start with, then all the tweaks independently is a liklely disappointing waste of money.