Ultrasonic cleaning

How many of you are ultrasonic cleaning your records and what solution are you using? I have a Kirmuss ultrasonic machine and I am currently using Tergikleen solution with distilled water. Have some Audio Intelligence ultrasonic solution on order to try. I can tell a big difference with noisy records lowering the noise floor. 


Showing 3 responses by lewm

I am only struck by the huge difference in recommended concentration of IPA (in the case of Neil’s recommendation) or Ethanol (according to Wizzzard). 2.5% IPA vs 22% EtOH. Somewhere way back when I picked up the idea to use 25% of 99% IPA in distilled water, plus Triton X100. (This was also before I read about Tergitols.) I have no evidence that 25% IPA causes any harm (using a VPI HW17 vacuum RCM). But it would be cheaper to cut back on the IPA, if 2.5% is just as effective. For now, I will stick with TX100, because I have a large supply of it. In any case, I always rinse with pure distilled water after vacuum removal of the wash solution, then vacuum off the rinse water.  That step does make an audible difference for the better.

Kodak Photoflo contains ethylene glycol as well as a nonionic detergent.  EG is probably something you don’t want for cleaning LPs.

Definition of "deionized water": Deionized water is free of cations (positively charged mineral ions) and anions (negatively charged mineral ions). Some examples of cations are calcium and magnesium, sodium and iron, while sulfates, carbonates and nitrates are all examples of anions.