Two surprising things I found that improved my imaging and staging...

... First off I have a odd room for my two channel listening and have been getting beat up trying to find proper placement. I have been reading a lot here and on the inter web and decided to use the room setup calculator on the Cardas site. ( )

#1 was how close to each other the speakers are now. I wouldn’t have placed them that close together.

#2 was that the best imaging and staging is with zero toe in.

Having a hard time wrapping my head around these changes but it’s the best my system has sounded since I finished the putting it together. lol

I intentionally misspelled toe in as tow in to see if millercarbon would catch it and damn if he didn’t.  He had to be a grade school teacher in a past life because he never misses a misspelled word!
Glad for the mispell, intentional or not. Miller's wit gives me a chuckle.

I am in the equidistant camp and use about a 7.5ft triangle with the D2s and my ears (about 50" from front 20'w wall, 20wx17d room). Aimed just a bit, towed or toed, behind my head for disappearing into the music.

Here's a site where you populate in detail your room dimensions including ceiling height, the locations of you speakers, the height of the speaker drivers, your listening position, your seated ear height and the program will show you the 1st reflection points on all the walls, the ceiling and the floor of your room.  Good tool vs. the mirror method. 

Don't feel bad willy-t many have made the misteak of misunderestimating my intelagence.