Two surprising things I found that improved my imaging and staging...

... First off I have a odd room for my two channel listening and have been getting beat up trying to find proper placement. I have been reading a lot here and on the inter web and decided to use the room setup calculator on the Cardas site. ( )

#1 was how close to each other the speakers are now. I wouldn’t have placed them that close together.

#2 was that the best imaging and staging is with zero toe in.

Having a hard time wrapping my head around these changes but it’s the best my system has sounded since I finished the putting it together. lol


Showing 1 response by musicaddict

Glad for the mispell, intentional or not. Miller's wit gives me a chuckle.

I am in the equidistant camp and use about a 7.5ft triangle with the D2s and my ears (about 50" from front 20'w wall, 20wx17d room). Aimed just a bit, towed or toed, behind my head for disappearing into the music.