Tweeking further for the denon 103r.

I just added even more mass(leadshot) to my graham 2.2 arm, and the 103r sounds so much better. Though it still has some edginess or bite. Therefore I was wondering if it is possible to open up my ear that is the 834p ear and fine tune the resistance loading and capacitance loading to better match the Denon 103r?
By the way this cartridge is amazing, I am getting this wide soundstage, it's very quiet and alot of the recording's ambience.
If a non-audiophile heard my analog system they would swear it's a cd deck playing.

drop the resistance to 14ohms to match the internal DC of the cart. For a 103 use 40ohms.

Ger rid of the body like Pauly says ....

The 'edginess and harshness' are from the Graham. I never heard a Graham that sounds good.
Use a wood body on the DL103 and DL103R.

The cartridge loses all the edginess and harshness, and becomes totally fluid and musical. The wood body also adds mass, so you can throw away the leadshot.
