Turntable Mats for Technics Grand Class, "G" Series

I have the original anniversary edition Technics 1200 GAE.  Shortly after I got it way back in like 2016, I put the rubber turntable mat aside and began using a leather and cork matt from Wooden Bull. See https://woodenbull.com.  I never looked back.

Recently, I pulled out a Ringmat and noticed a more robust sound with more definition in the low end. 

I'd like to try another. Recommendations?  


For users of the Boston Audio/Sakura graphite mat: no concerns about/experience with the mat scratching your records?

I used a Sakura for years on an SP10R with no scratches. Not something to worry about. I recently replaced it with an Origin Live Strata mat. Coupled with the OL Gravity One stabilizer, it is the best I’ve tried out of around a dozen.

@mofimadness @lewm @wrm57 Thanks for replying. I ordered the BAM and the SPEC+ mat…should be an interesting comparison.

@mofimadness @lewm @wrm57 Thanks for replying. I ordered the BAM and the SPEC+ mat…should be an interesting comparison.

What about me? crying