Tune of the Day

"Blue Rondo a la Turk"  on the Two Generations of Brubeck album.  Wow.

There are many fine versions of this tune, but this one gets me dancing, clapping, fist-pounding, whatever, every time....and it's not easy to dance in, what, 9/8?  I love tunes that grow, build, develop, and move through changes.  This one just picks me up and takes me right along with it.  Great melding of jazz and rock idioms, too.  It's fun to imagine Dave Brubeck setting the groove and then sitting back to hear where his kids and their friends take it. 

You can continue exploring Dave and the kids on Two Generations of Brubeck, "The Great Spirit Made Us All".  And Chris Brubeck's rock/jazz band Sky King on "Secret Sauce".

For extra credit, give a "spin" to Chase, "Bochawa" from their last album, Pure Music.

Anyway, that's my two cents today.


Good one! I've always loved that song. Was lucky enough to see Max Webster open for Rush around that time. Max Webster was a GREAT live band and Kim Mitchell was a great front man. Of course, Rush ain't a bad live band either....... :~)

A weeks worth of 80's music...one day at a time....

Talk Talk "It's My Life"
Psychedelic Furs "Mr. Jones"
Pet Shop Boys "West End Girls"
Eurythmics  "Sweet Dreams"
INXS "Devil Inside"



The Planet P brought back some memories, forgotten until now. Thanks.

I don't have any problem with a little "country", especially when it looks So good.

Check out Robyn Ludwick "Out of These Blues" (lp). A little Lucinda going on?

In this spirit...ending the day with..

Cowboy Junkies "Trinity Revisited" & "Demons"

Playing now.... Vic Chesnutt "About To Choke"!

Can I get a big Amen for this great, late artist? The goose bumps are in the room!

the priest, by joni mitchell. best song nick drake never wrote. 35 years after first hearing it i still remeber the lyrics. which must signify something
Olin And The Moon-"Not In Love"


Most people have never heard of these guys, what a shame!  This is a beautiful song.

My wife and I went to a local, mosty used some new record/albumn store yesterday and she picked up The Eagles you referenced above. The place is called Phil’s Records. I’m glad she found it among the thousands of discs he has. It’s a keeper.
She alao grabbed Out on the Border.

Since you pulled Mountain off the shelf, I felt compelled to listen to Leslie West "Left by the Side of the Road to die".


just one more... Isn't this fun?

Ozark Mountain Daredevils "River To The Sun"

Happy Listening!

Glad you liked it!

If you haven't heard much from Jenny Lewis, she is one that deserves attention. "Under The Blacklight" is the only (Rilo) lp I own but I have most, if not all of her solo & collaborations. Not a bad one in the bunch.

IMO, she comes as close as any to the great Neko Case in the vocal department.

Happy Listening!
Astro58go, I checked out your last post. Fantastic.

The Romantics, "Talking in your sleep".