Tube Preamp Paired with Tube Phono Stage?

Hello everyone. I wanted to know if you paired a tube preamp with a tube phono stage, would that be overkill with respect to the warm sound qualities produced by the equipment? I have a PrimaLuna Prologue Three with all NOS tubes, Clearaudio Smartphono, and CODA Technologies 10.5r SS amplifier. My turntable is the Pro-Ject Debut III with Ortofon OM40. I was considering upgrading to the Clearaudio Basic+ with battery pack OR checking out the new Manley Chinook. But, with two tube units combined, would that be problematic? Thanks for your input.
I know this is a very rough generalization, but, I find that the idea of "balancing" perceived strengths and weaknesses or one kind of sound with its opposite (e.g., "warm" sounding component with a "thin" component) rarely works out as planned. One tends, more often to get the "worst of all worlds" rather than the best.

If you are a tube person, stick with tubes for amps, linestage and phono, and if you like solid state, stick with that throughout. While it is possilbe to mix and match, the results are unpredictable (it is NEVER obvious which combination will work).

I generally agree with Mulveling's comments. One of the big advantages (or possible source of frustration) of tube gear is the ability to "tune" the sound with different selection of tubes. There is a LOT of tube gear that actually sounds thin, bright, hard and harmonically threadbare (often times more extremely so than typical solid state gear), so don't assume that tubes will get you a warmer sound.

I don't agree that there is an advantage to using solid state with really low output cartridges. A properly selected step up transformer (and one properly located physically) used with very low output cartridges can be completely noise free. I just heard a .05 mv cartridge feeding a 1 to 30 step up transformer into a tube MM stage that was dead quiet and unbelievably good sounding. My .30 mv cartridge is quiet with a tube phonostage that has a built in step up transformer.
If you can get an all-tube recording as well as playback, then its even better :)
Hey Steve, experiment, have fun. Tubes are great where ever you put them. Personally, I've found that my favorite systems have tube preamp and amp, but SS phono. Sorry. Then again, that's using LOMC's in the 0.24 mV range. Your cartridge puts out 4 mV, so you should be fine. I've just found SS phono stages to sound best when using very low output cartridges, less issues with noise, balance, etc.
I'm currently using a full function VAC Auricle tube preamp with a 2.5 mV cartridge and it sounds great. ;)

Thanks for the responses. This is very helpful. I appreciate you taking time to share your experiences. I'll proceed with the all tube setup - phono stage and preamp line stage.
My system is all tubes and there is no problem with being overly warm. Part is synergy part is speakers and room. No answer to cover all bases all the time.
Not all tube gear (amps & NOS tubes) has a warm coloration. In fact, a good deal of if it can be outright bright. However, I feel that tubes can pull off minor colorations - in either direction - far better than solid-state, and the tube rolling options of most models really pays off when dialing a system in to your preferences.

So in short - absolutely, a system comprised of all quality all-tube components can render gorgeously neutral, dynamic, realistic, and non-analytical sound. However it will likely take a good deal more effort on your part to choose complementary components and tubes. Makes for a better hobby :)

I am in fact using an all tube system: phono (VAC Renaissance III builtin), linestage (VAC Ren III or Rogue Hera II), and amp (Rogue Apollo)! MUCH tuberolling has been done, with superb payoff (well ok I admit - the VAC still has me stumped how it sounds so great with the stock Chinese tubes). None of these components could be characterized as inherently warm (well, maybe the phono, but just a little)! Best sound I've had; never been sorry going with more tubes.

Some of the warmest (i.e. unabashedly colored) hifi gear I've ever heard has actually been Solid State or Hybrid - and always at the sacrifice of detail retrieval, in those cases!
It would not be a problem
I have always used a tubed phono stage with tubed preamps and the sound is glorious