Tube integrated for Joseph Audio Rm25xl's

Hi, I know that "one" should decide on an amp, then the speakers, but I want to keep the speakers I have. Right now I am using an TADAC (tube DAC), CAMBRIDGE AUDIO disc player, HEGEL 160 integrated, Acoustic Zen Satori cables.  There is not too much out there about these Joseph's and tubes. I want a tube integrated and have been looking at Prima Luna.  Unfortunately I don't have the opportunity to audition anything. Any help regarding a great tube integrated and the Joseph's is really appreciated. Thanks
I have a PrimaLuna Premier HP that I use with my Joseph Audio Pulsars, and the amp is fantastic. All of the tube goodness with none of the hassle (other than having to turn the amp on and off when you use it, unlike my Plinius amp which I can just leave on). Highly recommended.
PrimaLuna gives a 30 day free demo courtesy of Upscale audio. I don't know the power requirements of your speakers. I own a PL integrated and am very satisfied.