Tube amp for Verity Audio Parsifal Encore?

Looking for a different amp for newly acquired Verity Parsifal Encores. My beloved Vac Renaissance 30/30 Signature is not a perfect match for two reasons:

1. Power: As evidenced by comparing directly with a 125-watt Music Ref RM-9 borrowed from a friend, the 30/30 gives up some dynamics and bass extension/control to the more powerful RM-9.
2. Treble smoothness: The Vac "Signature" version is more neutral and detailed than Vac's non-signature amps, and the Verity's still have a bit of edge in the 2-4k regions, to my ears. I am very allergic to brightness and edge and I am willing to give up some air and treble detail to avoid this.

The rest of my system already leans warm, especially the cabling (Cardas Golden Cross) so if I go a bit too far with an amp that has a warm top end, I can pull back some air/detail with cable changes. Rest of system is Sota Star Sapphire, Koetsu Rosewood Signature on Jelco 750, Audio Note Kits 3.1, and Thor TA-1000. I listen to 50% jazz/blues, 25% classical 25% classical (mostly piano). Room is 15 x 29 x 7 feet. Budget is under $4k used. I am not interested in any solid state or hybrid recommendations, so thanks for that! (yes I know that is an unfair generalization but I have been doing this a long time and I just like tubes ;)

So I'm looking for a gutsy, musical tube amp with a somewhat tubey treble and relatively rich balance, without going too far in that direction. I really don't want one with a neutral tonal balance. Here are the ones I have considered so far and appreciate other suggestions, or comments on these:

Quicksilver M-135
Quicksilver V4
Cary 120s Mk i
Cary V12 or V12R
Vac Renaissance 70/70 (non-signature)

Thanks for thoughts and sorry for the long post!

Another member, Grimace, is using Cary pre and power amps with his Verity and it sounds amazing. He is using the same table and arm.
Not tube but a good amp: Lamm M1.2R
I think, with tubes will will go a long way to get good results....
I meant to also ask about OTL amps. I have never owned one but not sure any would be considered "warm." I have read that Atma might be closer to rich balance than, say, Tenor.