🤨....It's always made sense to me to pay some attention to the 'measured specs' of anything, to have a 'baseline' from which to start....although I personally 'started' quite awhile back. Therefore, I accept and expect a given amount of predispositions and just plain preferences to 'color' my choices.....
The 'choices' over what and how to engage to and with any and all previous selections begins to creep into the realm of the infinite, even before one's 'performance space' is left to accommodate...
It all comes down to a subjective experience that's all your own.
What looks great in theory can still sound like trash...expensive trash, but there you go....🤷♂️
What is 'meh' on paper could outdo the previous in a walk.
We can call it 'lucky'....even if only for the owner.
Ultimately, the rest of our 'imho' shouldn't matter....when the descriptions fall into "sounds more solid', 'warmth', 'shrill', 'flat, without depth'....
Well, that shouldn't be much different than the 'positive remarks' over how X made Y+ (all the other upstream/downstream of the new X) seem 'better'.
What floats your boat? Good, go there. Tell us/me what you like/don't, and what you perceive is happening.....
(That, in itself, seems to be the fuse enough for some...and endless multipage forums that start to read like an afternoon soaper...if that still exists...)