Trends in value of vintage / used audio equipment?

Hello, folks. I wonder if there is any objective data to show trends in the value of vintage and used audio equipment (high-end or otherwise)? Does Audiogon crunch their Blue Book numbers to extrapolate any mobility in prices, up or down? Do people see prices stable or rising/falling for equipment? Thanks!

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blue-green meters behind a smoke glass faceplate--what's not to like in terms of looks?

VU meters are useful, too, all the more so on amps with dodgy power claims (not the case with McIntosh, obviously).

Meters warn you the amp is getting kneecapped before it actually happens. Bob Carver always had the good sense to put meters on his amplifiers.

I’ve noticed a lot of high asking prices for vintage or near-vintage gear in recent years, especially with regard to turntables and speakers. Seems to be less common with amplifiers for whatever reason. 

Some vintage speakers that guys were scoring for $100/pair back in the 2010s are now being listed for $800 plus. 


I think this conversation would be interesting related to speakers.

Clearly higher speakers are incredibly overpriced as demonstrated by a used market which prices them at 50% of list after two or three years. And this is from a dealer who no doubt is paying 25% less than what they are trying to sell it for.

Speakers too terrible in the used market. An amplifier is a bit more rugged and handles time a lot better. Not sure how pricing of older tube versus solid-state amplifiers compares

Packing and shipping 500 or 700 lbs worth of speakers is expensive and not for everyone. Relying on the local market is usually an exercise in futility, unless your speakers are much sought after, or extremely competitively priced, or you live in a major metro area, or preferably all of the above. 

Maybe that's one reason the trend is drifting away from floorstanders and towards subwoofer-augmented bookshelves and monitors.