Trends in value of vintage / used audio equipment?

Hello, folks. I wonder if there is any objective data to show trends in the value of vintage and used audio equipment (high-end or otherwise)? Does Audiogon crunch their Blue Book numbers to extrapolate any mobility in prices, up or down? Do people see prices stable or rising/falling for equipment? Thanks!

Ag insider logo xs@2xbraitman

@stereo5 ,

No, it’s not at all a dig at McIntosh.

It’s the observation that a lot of people who have any old cheap receiver that the maker stuck meters on thinks it’s some rare ’vintage’ diamond worth more more than it is. That’s it.

You know, it would have been nice if you simply asked me if it was a dig at McIntosh and ended it there. But you decided that it was before I even had a chance to respond and then somehow got the impression that it bothers me.

Maybe in the future you could wait for a response before passing judgement.


I’m a fan of McIntosh stereo amps, preamps and integrated amps. (I know that the latter are not everyone’s cup of tea.) For used units in good condition, prices have continuously risen, at least for the units I am interested in.

I like meters of all kinds I got some old carvers that have meters.had to watch ferris buhlers day off just to see them again.have the nakamichi  flip cassette  deck seen in another makes me happy. Better than drugs and etoh because it lasts.enjoy the music and life.

Its been a buyers market for 3 yrs or more. One must have a very desirable piece  and/or have a fire sale price on it to get a bite or sale

[[data to show trends in the value of vintage and used audio equipment (high-end or otherwise)?]]

too vague a question without referencing a time range...