Traveling equipment reviews?

I’m relatively new, and with my recent upgrades, I am very content with the musicality in my system.

My question, how do I know what is a good sounding system?.

I realize with the pandemic, traveling and meeting forum members is challenging. Wouldn’t it be great if we could have some of the veterans of the forum stop by our homes and listen to our systems. The feedback on the sound and recommendations would not only help the younger gen, but potentially save us the financial hardships of experimenting.

Having an experienced forum member stop by and listen to the setup would help to understand the downfalls and the comradely is priceless.

My system as a reminder,

- Vpi Aries w/ 9” uni-pivot and Hana SL

-  Parasound 21+

- Vincent Sa-32

- Decware Zen Triode phono w/ mc step up

- Dynaudio Evoke 30


@ghdprentice 👍

I actually had forum support for the majority of recent upgrades and really appreciate this group.

I recently did a search on unipivot vs gimbal tonearm and the various post made me think. Should I upgrade my TT to a gimbal tonearm? There were a lot of thoughts on the matter which made me think if my system could be better?

The unipivot has been relatively easy for me to setup and the “wobble” doesn’t bother me. 

Well if you get out to the Portland Oregon area, give me a holler.. N95+ required.


Hey, that is not that far from Elizabethtown. Love that movie. I’m originally from The Chicago area.

Where do you live?


It strikes me as you did a pretty good job of assembling an initial system. 

The pandemic will eventually end. 

My audio guy will accept appointments. Use N95 or better masks. Listen to,the best he has.., in each listening room.


For fifty years, each of my systems has sounded better than the last. I now own the best system I have heard. I used to fly all over the country, so I would stop in audio show rooms when traveling.

I travel to places that aren't crazy about COVID. I take my 99% chance of survival just by using mathematics without science.