Transparent Audio power cords

I have a question for experienced users about certain Transparent cords. The application is on a McCormack Audio DNA-500 amp (w/ the SMC audio Silver Plus upgrade) driving Focal Sopra 2 speakers. The cord in use now is a Transparent Powerlink MM2 (mm2x serial number). This cord was the next step above the Reference in the mm2 generation. The name of the Powerlink MM2 cord was changed to XL for the Gen 5 and Gen 6 products.

I have tried both the Reference Gen 5 and Reference Gen 6 cords on this amp which according to theory, they should sound better than the Powerlink MM2. Both are, in general, respectively, a step up in sound quality as would be expected. However, we now get to my issue, neither of the two Reference cords has enough "meat on the bones" compared to the Powerlink MM2. They are just lighter weight sounding. The likely thought is to try a Gen 5 or Gen 6 XL cord but, the price point for a new Gen 6 XL cord is getting uncomfortable.

So, will an XL cord give me that weight and solidity I'm after or might I want to be looking at another brand to get the sound where I want it to be while trying to rein in the cost.

Ag insider logo xs@2xmwh777

I owned DNA-0.5 Deluxe, DNA-125 and DNA-225 stock and modified. These amps are very musical and engaging. You can make it work with the focals but you will need to find the right combination of components and cables. I used ARC LS-25 and Ref1 with DNA-225. Good synergy and the combo paired well with B&W N803. 

As @soix pointed out, providing more context about the rest of your system will help. Upgrading power cord on the amp will just highlight what the upstream components are doing. What’s the rest of your system, components and cables…any room acoustic treatments?

Why not go with another brand ?  What awg gauge  are these ?

The AQ Tornado HC  would be very good , if you contact. Anthony at Perrotta Consultants  he gives very good deal on them , and for digital the Tornado -Source power cords.

Personally  I would start upstream of the powercord if you have not already. I would try a new plug. Get yourself the top end furutech plug wire that in and then decide  what you think of the system.  

Why are the gen 5 and gen 6 a "step up" other than in price? By the way, power cords make no objective difference. 

Could you try Shunyata Alpha or Sigmas? I’m using a mix of Sigma v1 and v2 with great results on CJ, Linn, dcs... great all around. I think The Cable Co is having a sale on these now. I suppose to make way for the more-expensive Alpha and Sigma X’s. John at thecableco is helpful in matching accessories to equipment.