Townshend Springs under Speakers

I was very interested, especially with all the talk.   I brought the subject up on the Vandersteen forum site, and Richard Vandersteen himself weighed in.   As with everything, nothing is perfect in all circumstances.  If the floor is wobbly, springs can work, if the speaker is on solid ground, 3 spikes is preferred.

Showing 7 responses by tsushima1

Well...yall see thats where Harbeth differ, they are audio engineers who have adapted a highly successful and time proven design principle and applied those principles into a highly effective speaker design...

They haven’t merely chucked a bucket load of cheap third world quality Tat shack speakers at a 2 mill thick monkey coffin.. Rock on

“ Anyone ever try suspending their speakers from the ceiling “

Yup... I had at one time an array of four , then six ,  Quad ESL57 statics 
suspended on steel cables from the ceiling beams of our converted warehouse apartment in Tobacco Dock London :0}
“ Millercarbon, this speaker ringing thing has me perplexed and word has it that you appear to be or are about to become a dealer or their new US representative for the English spring-based company,.“

And there we have it Dear Readers ... Howdyall feel now ?
Quite worth repeating Mr carpathian’s astute observation...

“Then quit the forum. No one knows anything but you, anyway.
Start your own with your own rules where you can control every aspect of the narrative. Take your fanboys with you to have an instant audience that will bow to your insanely superior audio knowledge. All of them are new here, anyway.
See? Sometimes there are solutions.
Two, in this instance.”
“ But in the audiophile Zealot world, the only subjective experience that counts is someone who claims positive results. Negative results never count against a claim , are to be ganged up upon and belittled “