Tough situation - need advice on modern (or refurbished Equivalent) Advent Loudspeakers

A good friend and audio customer recently passed away and committed the unforgivable sin of making me his Executor - shortly after his passing, his house experienced a flood and I'm dealing with the (really amazing) homeowner insurance company.  Stu had a set of vintage, but re-foamed Advent speakers that were the loudspeakers I pulled out of service when I built him his current reference system.   The Advents were (well, you have all heard them) .... Advents, but were damaged.  Luckily I had removed the PSB Imagine reference series!!!!!

The insurance company is looking for me to provide a comparable modern speaker - my first thought was the KLH 5's , but want to make sure I'm being both accurate and honest. Alternate plan is to find a reputable seller who has a set of reconditioned/ refoamed OLA's for sale.


Thoughts? Thank you all in advance,



I have a set of Model 5s as well as Advents and think they’re as close as you can get today.

The KLHs ‘s or Lintons are a good “modern” replacement if that is what the insurance company wants. Using the price of another set of referb Advents would get you a much lower value, so give the insurance company what they asked for.