Totem like sound for tube amplification

Any ideas on a loudspeaker that has a similar signature to Totem (Forest Signature, Hawk, Arro) that would play well with a Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP integrated?  
I'm not sure. I'd like to stay south of $4k, but I'd save up for something if I thought it was worth it.
You mentioned some of the Totem line but not the Sttaf.  I have the Primaluna Premium HP integrated driving a pair of Sttaf. I think it is a great combination.  From your post I assume that the thinking is that the Primaluna does not pair with the other Totem models all that well and that may be true.  However, the Sttaf has been reported to be easier to drive than those others and is a much better fit to that amp.  That is what I had read and, though I have not tried any of the other Totem models, there seems to be good synergy between the two in my opinion.   FYI - I did try the Devore Fidelity Gibbon 88 with that amp and either it was not a good matchup or I did not like the sound of the Gibbons as it was not to my liking.  Hope that helps and don't disregard the Totem Sttaf (though the tweeter is soft dome and seems different slightly in design that the rest of the line).
Forests are tube friendly speakers 40W or higher per channel.
They have stable impedance and will sound great in small room with tube amp.
Maybe Audio Physic. Also, Gershman (Idol), ProAc Future series and DeVore come to mind, as well. I've heard all of those with tube amps and they sounded great. 
I owned the FORESTS and ARROS simultaneously in a prior system. Because the ARROS are distinctly unique and very different from the FORESTS sonically in almost every manner,  I suggest you first decide which model sonic signature you prefer, especially with a tube amp. 

Without prejuduce to the former, I do not believe there exists another speaker brand that mimics --much less clones -- any of the TOTEM speaker models starting from the ARROS on up. 

You asked for alternate brand suggestions to mimic the FORESTS, but not asking for opinions to actually pairing up bona fide FORESTS to your tube amp.

FWIW, I've test driven the FORESTS with the top of the line CARY  tube amp and it was a very very poor match..... Bad, actually in a swap-in / swap-out shoot-out audition with my amigos.  FORESTS are well known as "grunt" hogs that favour high current and high watts usually found in solid  state amps.