Torus RM60 BAL vs Richard Gray Powerhouse

Does anyone have experience with both of these units?  I'm looking into putting this in a new room...I have already run the appropriate power...just wondering if there is much of a difference in the performance of these two units?

Thank you for your input!
I like the idea of the separate breakers on the Torus unit, but it doesn't appear as though these are insulated from each other inside the unit.  I also really like the size of the Richard Gray unit as it would appear as though it is REALLY over built in comparison to the Torus.

The Torus would allow me to put video related components on one breaker and theater related components on another allowing me to turn them off when performing critical listening.

Just trying to gauge if anyone has experience with these units to let me know if my notions are too far fetched!

Thank you again anyone and everyone for your input!!!
Get a M5400-PM and call or a day. I honestly don’t understand why you think your incoming power is so bad you need to thousands of dollars to clean it up. Worrying about the television/video components on the same breakers affecting the quality is just silly as well. Keep in mind most products already filter noiseon their own, so even some dirty power should get cleaned up by the device itself (have you ever seen a television be affected by dirty power), it’s only poorly made products that benefit from cleaner power (without the audible range, say -100dBFS).

The chance of electrical damage due to lighting/surge is almost pretty much non-existent that Panamax has a $5M warranty for the safety of connected components. I don’t see any warranty/insurance policies by those companies, which would make me very weary.

It isn't that it is SOOOO bad (though I do get mini surges that make my lights flicker and such) additionally, and particularly in the summer my 120v is often more like 105-110v with neighborhood demand.

Like many crazies in this hobby, I'm looking for the most perfect production and sine wave.  I've got lots of quality components, just always searching for the next level.  I've used Panamax and Monster power for half of my life now...just looking for the next THING 😉

The fact that I’ve seen even $100,000 warranties for the surge protectors at Wal-Mart and no evident warranties for the two products you mentioned, should should how confident those brands are in their products protecting from dangerous surges.

A double-conversion (online) UPS should be looked into, it’s kinda like PS Audio’s power regenerstors without the fluff, it takes incoming AC, converts to DC, then back to AC, and is used in highly important situations. Even just looking on Amazon I see ones with $250,000 warranties.
If you are getting flickering lights and only 110 volts at times out of your wall outlet, you would be better off with a PS Audio Power Regenerator. It will clean up the line and give you a steady 117 volts.  You may be able to grab last years model for a decent price or find a used one here.
Mzkmxcv: my homeowners insurance covers my electronics, so I'm not really concerned with that end of things.

Stereo5: I've considered the PS Audio products in the past...the PS 5 and PS 10 look promising for a front end application.

It’s not about the fact of if you need the warranty, it’s the fact that the manufacturers stand behind their products and are confident in its performance. Would you buy a car from a new brand that doesn’t have a powertrain warranty?
...  in the summer my 120v is often more like 105-110v with neighborhood demand.
Are you in the US? If so, that voltage is way out of spec in many states, where about 114VAC is the specified minimum. Although electric utilities can be very unresponsive to we audiophiles - I've learned that the hard way - you're best next step is to work with your utility to get your service corrected. It's likely that it's not only your voltage that is bad, but current, too, which can be tested and measured.

The fact that I’ve seen even $100,000 warranties for the surge protectors at Wal-Mart and no evident warranties for the two products you mentioned, should should how confident those brands are in their products protecting from dangerous surge"

This is a naive, misinformed, and short sited way to arrive at a consumer purchasing decision if you buy a car that way you will end up with a Hyundai which has a better warrantee than a Mercedes so tell me which you think is the better car many companies issue warantees that last longer than the company will even be in existence! 
I’m talking about having no warranty. If the company’s official stance is that if their product doesn’t protect your devices, they aren’t reliable, then I would be very hesitant to trust them over a much more well known, well tested brand that does offer a warranty.
PS Audio's new Power Plants or Stromtank are your best bets if  your main concerns are sine waves & voltage regulation. You may find other options sound better.

mzkmxcv is talking BS with the surge protector warranty talk. Search "surge protector warranty claim denied" for any manufacturer and most will show the loops needed to be jumped through. Torus Power conditioners with SMSS will provide better protection.