Topping P50 power supply, + Zen Streamer + Topping E50 DAC

I am using a Topping P50 power supply which has both a 15 volt and 5 volt linear DC output.

It works great to supply 15 volts to a Zen Streamer and 5 volts to Topping E50 DAC for my budget system.


What kind of speakers do you have? This is really good stuff for a budget system and definitely punches above its price point. A good power supply makes a substantial difference. I use sonicTransporter i5 to run the Roon core server. Recently added SGC’s power supply and the results are quite impressive. 


Speakers are Fyne 500 SP each powered by a Schitt Aegir running in mono fed by a Schitt Freya+ connected to Aegirs with balanced cables I made myself from Belden microphone cable and Neutrik connectors. Each amp is connected with a 3 foot run of Monoprice "Monolith" 12 Ga. cables in a bi-wire configuration and also grounded to a star ground system since Fyne's have ground points.

Fynes are supported by NHT crossover with stereo NHT U1 subs driven by Outlaw Audio Model 220’s crossing over at around 80 Hz.


Interesting…I purchased an open box (like new) Topping P 50 for my Zen Stream and 2 FMC’s.  When I connected the Steam (no FMC’s) the Stream Led would light  up but would not function.  When I plugged the stock power plug in the Stream it worked perfectly.  Really liked the P 50 build quality and features and was disappointed to return the unit.  This gets me thinking it was defective and that I should give a new returnable one a try.  Thanks for this thread!  Enjoy the music.

My only goal with this post is to show this combination worked for me. I can’t comment on if the P50 made a sonic difference with the Zen Streamer since I have used the P50 with it since I received the Zen. 

Sure enough…I bought a new Topping P50 and it works perfectly with my Zen Stream.  The open box one must have been defective.  Glad I gave it a second try it is a nice improvement over stock plug.

@aberyclark  EZ…Plug P50 into duplex outlet.  Use DC 5.5/2.1 cable (not sure one is included) plugged into the 15v plug on back of P50 and then into back of Zen Stream.  Ditch the Zen Stream’s stock wall plug. I also use the 2- 5v usb plugs to power my 2 optical FMC boxes for optical isolation.