Top vintage receivers vs. modern high-end equipment

I am considering pairing an old amplification system to my JBL Paragon -- the idea of getting an all vintage system is very attractive to me. Among other things, I am looking into classics such as the Pioneer 1980 receiver or the Marantz 2600. Does anyone have direct experience in comparing this kind of equipment (very high-end but 40 years ago) to current high-end equipment, imagine an integrated Pass Lab amplifier? How do they stack up? Thank you. 

Showing 1 response by jacksky

I'll second the Sansui 9090 series.
I have the DB version and over the years whatever I pair it with shines. Occasionally when a meet a repair tech at audio shops and discuss various equipment, when I let them know I have the 9090 they all tell me don't ever let it go. Some claim  magic comes from power transformer, others say who needs tubes when SS sounds like this.