Top Ten Speakers of All Time?

Well its time for a new Top Ten Thread. WOW-Have I learned a lot.Thanks to all Audiogon members.Have had several e mail thanking the Top Ten Threads. We have a lot of new members just starting their High End adventure. Info was much appreciated. I will start the thread for the Acoustat 2+2 and Model 2 of which I still own and continue to enjoy. So lets have your top ten members. --- MANY THANKS ---
JBl L100, stacked ARs (!!), Klipsch KHorn, KEF 105, LS3/5A, Dahlquist DQ-10, Magnepan, Paradigm Studio 80, Mission 770 - and that's only 9. The JBLs and the ARs are here not because they are the best sounding, but because so many of us got started with speakers like these. And, if ya wanna play LOUD, there is NO substitute for the KHorns.
RevJoe & Holman are correct.

Snell Type AIIIi speakers have set the standard in box design speakers. The later Peter Snell was a genius. Kevin Voecks contributed to the AIIIi's also.

I've personally had about twenty different speakers in the listening room since 1990 ranging from $8K -$40K and the Snell AIIIi's remain. Other speakers in the $8K- $40K may have certain strengths over the big Snells. "But as an Over All Performer" through the check list, the Snell AIIIi's remain the best all around speaker.

Apparently Mr. Andrew Singer of the well known world wide high-end retailer Sound by Singer, Ltd. in NYC thinks so too. I quote Mr Singer from the current issue (Feb., 2002) of Stereophile page 55. "The Snell A3s were one of the best speakers-Peter Snell was one of the best speaker designers in the last 50 yrs". Here's a guy who's had all the toys in his shop the last 25 yrs. Truly a Bold statement from a man who's heard everything. I agree with him.

Original owner of these Snells since 1992 has brought nothing but enjoyment in listening to Music. Truly a Classic for the Purist.

Hopefully another speaker designer like Peter Snell will come around this half of the century.

Time will tell........
Magnapan Tympani. It was the first high end speaker that I heard. They blew me away to the point that I purchased a pair with in a year.
A new company, Roman Audio, out of Groves, Tx. Their 8" 2-way, The Centurion, is without a doubt, one of the best I've EVER heard. When I demo-ed them, I had my wife with me and even she fell in love with them. Check them out at AWESOME!!!
The first time I walked into a high end audio store in 1983 I saw those 2+2 towers and heard sound that the salesman explained to me as having ambiance and presence...I knew I would have to own a pair someday...well it's nice to see people talking about them in 2002! They are great and Yes you have to have a special room for them and an understanding family. Wait! Who's kidding? No Family/No Kids and NO PETS!
Does anyone talk about the special electronics required for a speaker like this? Huge amounts of current for excellent sound? Excellent build quality, massive transformers, massive capicitors...Krell...Mark Levinson...type stuff...ya know? heavy duty amps and beautiful tube pre-amps and good ole' turntables...that's what these babies are for....old school analog...have fun! Happy New Year and keep that electrostatic gear alive! I'm keeping my 2+2's and my Model 3's just in case...

Peace :-)
Have I mentioned it before? Gotta be the Dunlavy V. (Mr Dunlavy once admitted to me, on the phone, that V is more accurate than anything he has done, including the VI's. )
after purchasing a pair of SOUNDLAB A-1 i can't possibly imagine it getting any more real than that, with the exception of its soulmates which are built to almost the same specs, the SOUNDLAB models U-1 and M-1...
talk about a "cristal clear wall of sound"... or is it "a window into the music" ??? and whoever heard of an electrostat capable of reproducing a 25Hz bass signal with that incredible sound "signature" that electrostats are known for ???? and how about playing at 100dBs level without any distress ??? awesome loudspeakers!!!
Terzian handbuild speaker from a german organbuilder ( the big ones in european churches)
2 way optional bass unit. The cones are made by himself. you get the sound of the reel big systems for half of there price.
Soliloquy 6.3 great speakers for the average guy wanting a great sounding system. Great sound and a reasonable price!
Sonus Faber Amati Homage
Avalon Acoustics Eidolon
Martin Logan Statement
Genesis 1.1

I could live with either of these 4.
This is so interesting? The Dahlquist DQ-10 keeps coming up again and again? Are they really THAT good?

So far the best speaker I have listened to is the Magnepan 3.6. I'd like to hear the newer Quad's.
Vienna Acoustics Mahler and My current speakers Aerial Acoustics 8B Santos Rosewood and stands , internally wired with Audioquest kilimanjaro silver speaker wire .
I agree with you the K-Horn and Belle center is the best system in the the world regardless of price, and I have heard everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Magnepan 3.6 and 1.6;Spica TC-50 and 60;KEF 105;Aerial 10t;Lowther Medallions. My list is strictly limited to speakers that i have personal experience with.For instance,i am sure that the maggie 20's are wonderful,but have never heard them.Chuckle if ya will at the humble lil spica-but smack in the middle of the midrange i have seldom heard their equal.
After 20 years, these are my audio nirvana. The system has incredible staging, great dynamics and detail. This system sounds more like music every time I listen. I can listen hour after hour without thinking of equipment, just the music. I've heard systems that play louder, systems with my detail, but I don't think I've ever heard a system that puts it all together like this one.
Used to love the original Advents, then DQ-10, now my favorites are any of the Dunlavy
Ha, great ears hear alike! (-; What deep narcicisstic satisfaction to wallow in. Gentlemen, you made my (SUN)day!
Here are some of no particular order:

Infinity Servo Static 1A, Infinity IRS's, Magnaplaner 1-D, Levinson HQD, Harry Pearson's QRS-1D, a highly modified Infinity RS1-B system from a friend, Rogers LS 3/5, Dahlquist 10, ....I'm still thinking.....
The original Quads, of course, and the Infinity Servo Statics as well. I'd like to also nominate the Duntech Sovereigns, which when first introduced raised the bar for dynamic cone speakers and still, when set up in a large room with electronics that can control their bass and match their warmish tonal balance, can convey the soul of the music with the best of them. And I think that time could also find the Avalon Ascents in this company of speakers, a great design that has since been further refined and showed how well a box speaker could disappear when properly set up.
LS3/5A (Rogers, Chartwell, Spendor, etc. 15 ohm)
Dahlquist DQ10
Spendor S3/5
Quad ESL
Magneplanar Tympani IIIa (tri-amped w/ tube amps)
Audio Physic Virgo
Advent Large
Stax F81
Seems to me yall like whatever you own ,come on the martin logan quest dont sound as good as the request ,ascents or odyssey old quads while good in there day are so dated sounding now,not that they are not classics,but the cls 2z blows the old and new models away.and that speaker is old now.its just like food some people like raw oysters or beets i think they suck but to each his own.
This is impossible, there are so many great speakers, but here are my 10...Quad ESL 57, Quad ESL 63, Magnepan MG3.6, KEF 107, KEF 102, Martin Logan Quest, Rogers LS 3/5a, Infinity RS1, GNP 220 + Model 2 Sub?. I leave one open slot for the future.
all the speakers mentioned here are good to great speakers.i have heard most of them ,in one setting or another,realizing that each is different.i would be willing to bet that most,if not all the posters,have not heard piega p10 speakers.( if you have the july,i think, tas read jonathan valin's review of this superb speaker).i have had merlins,vr5s,heard dunlavy scVs',in fact a friend traded his for the p10s saying they are the best he has ever heard.i have heard 989s,all b&ws,egglestons,et al and none come close to doing right what these speakers do...they are magical.
Here are my choices, in no particular order and chosen for the impact and importance of the speaker in its time,not necessarily because it would stand up against the competition today-although several do indeed still sound remarkably good:

1) Quad 57
2) Acoustic Research AR 3
3) Quad 63
4) Dahlquist DQ 10
5) Spendor BC 1
6) Spendor SP 1/2
7) Magnepan MG III
8) Klipsch Corner Horns
9) Large Advent
10) Rogers (or Spendor) LS 3/5a

These are/were all "real world" speakers, i.e., at least within financial reach of quite a few people of normal means, unlike some of the esoterica from Infinity, Wilson, Genesis, Pipe Dreams, etc.
In no particular order:

Soundlab Ultimate ones
Quad ESL 63
Vandersteen 5's
Audio Artistry Beethovens
Magnegan 3.6
In time, the Newform 645. The most bang for the buck in audio, period. (IMHO)

As years pass and more people have the opportunity to hear these speakers, they will achieve legendary status.
The current Magnepan 3.6R, until the next generation comes out. If Magnepan ever puts the true ribbon midrange from the 20 series into the 3 series, then there will be a sub $5000.00 "Ultimate" speaker made by a solvent, customer friendly American company.

Their Ribbons Rule.
I like the Meridian DSP 8000Reference speakers.... interesting concept beautifully executed.

Also think the maggie MG 20.1 and the JM Labs Grande Utopias are nice too
yes dbwl we all forgot about the soundesigns, o i mean bose . incredible sound. just like listening through a tin can.
Soundlab u-1, a-1, m-1
Quad ESL-989, 988, 63
Avalon Eidolon (and maybe the new Diamond, which I have not heard yet)
I currently own the esl-63, and any furture upgrade will be one of these, Unless something really fantastic comes along which I find highly unlikly.
IN no order
B&W nautilus, nautilus 801, 802 & new 800
dynaudio evidence, tempation
wilson watt puppy, grand slamm
sonus faber concerto
revel salon