Tons of Tandsberg stereo equipment just dropped on eBay

Heads up, I have no affiliation with this eBay seller what so ever. You have my word on that. 
I just love Tandberg gear and can't afford to pick any of these parts up at the moment. Although I'd part with a kidney for some of this stuff. 

eBay username: aschlieve18

This is is just a link to the TIA 3012A they have. Check out their other items for auction, including incredibly rare 4000 series parts. I don't think I've ever seen 4000 Seris equipment for sale anywhere, ever. 
(Auction ends in about 5 hours.)

Sorry for the excitement and go check it out. 


Showing 4 responses by erik_squires

The amp did WONDERS with the Snell A/III - Controlled the speaker like nothing I had ever heard, and turned the entire room into an effortless bellows.

And of course, the FM tuners were considered among the very best you could buy, ever.
The top of the line player was among the very best! :)

Certainly a good looker!

I recently had a 3000 series amplifier. While the bass control was outstanding, I have to agree with one of the contemporary reviewers that the overall amp sounded pretty grainy.

<< sigh >> I wouldn't mind picking up a few of their amps just for the cases though! I think a Hypex stereo pair in a Tandberg case would be sexy as can be. :)