Tonearms for a Luxman PD-444

I just purchased a Luxman PD-444, which will accommodate two arms, one 9-inch and one 12. Anyone here have one? I would love to know which arms you had on the table, so I can try to find something before the table gets here.



I have six boards for my Luxman. Next week, I’m going to line them up with Technics, Luxman, Victor (2), Sony and Fidelity Research.

Ludicrous to put a copper mat on the Luxman PD444.

The motor has been designed to reduce the mass load on the bearing by.generating magnetic levitation within the motor.

The addition of a copper mat - if you use something like the Micro 180 at 1.8kg - will defeat the design and basically knacker the bearing.

Never ceases to amaze me at the sheer stupidity of some folk.



@saulh not sure I hear the difference in sound but it didn't hurt either. And looks awesome. 

@knollbrent nice system. I am thinking of getting the copper mat for the PD-444.

Do you hear a difference in the sound or does it simply look awesome?

My system is here 


ohi ohi the glass of 2200 is visibly and irreparably cracked!

Post removed 

Congrats on that amazing turntable classic. Here's what I have in my vault for my Luxman PD444 and Victor TT101

Technics EPA-100
Victor UA 7045 and 7082
Sony PUA-7
Luxman TA-1

My system is here 



As I recall, a hole drilled for the standard FR mount will also accommodate the B60. At least it does so for me.

I only have one comment on the long list of possible tonearms. Some of the lesser expensive SAEC tonearms have an odd geometry. This might be a factor if you want to be able to switch cartridges mounted on head shells with any frequency, without having to readjust stylus overhang, etc. Or worry about headshell offset angle. I have never owned an SAEC tonearm, so take this with a grain of salt.

I wondered if the lower armboard is drilled for a Fidelity Research B60 heavy base?


Hi and best compliments for the turntable;
the armboard above you can use it for the following vintage and contemporary tonearms to the turntable
Stax UA-7, UA-70, Fidelity Research FR-64, FR-64S, Saec WE-308, WE-308L, Ortofon RMG212, RMG309, Micro Seiki MA-505, MA-505L Grace G-704 G714

The lower armboard would appear to be compatible with the SME 3009 arms etc. but you don’t see 4 small holes around the main hole.

@pindac thanks for the good wishes. Anticipation abounds here with about 3 weeks to go until delivery!

@solypsa attaching photo of the armboards if that helps.Armboards

Is it coming with arm boards? If so do you know what hole or slot is in each one?

@saulh Congratulation on your venture into Vintage Japanese DD TT's.

I recall quite well the period of time I purchased my first one, I travelled nearly 400 miles as a round trip to purchase it, and then another couple of hundred mile round trips to and from the premises of the Engineer that was to breathe their magic onto it.

I was patiently sitting the time out, awaiting for the call to inform that my first purchased model, was to be released from the Technician/Engineer who was overhauling it to their specification.