Toggle between amps

Interesting question for y’all…


I am building a pretty nice listening set-up based around Ojas speakers and a single ended triode amp. No pre-amp because I my source is 2 Technics mk7’s running through a Mastersounds analog rotary mixer. This is all working really great for my listening room. 

Previous to this, I was running a single turntable to a sonos 5 (with a pro ject phono pre in between). This allowed me to play that source through the entire house because I have sonos throughout.


So - here’s the question… I’m trying to figure out how to create a way to easily toggle my mixer’s output to either my SET amp for the listening room or to the sonos > whole house. Like some kind of switch I guess.


any suggestions appreciated.





Thanks y’all.

I found this switch from Decware that I’m going to try as well as the silver sonic y-block splitter. I’ll test both to see if there is any difference in sound quality. I plan to keep only one amp on at a time so perhaps the simple splitter is the best way to go

Decware switch

Silversonic splitter


Both options presented can work. If you plan to leave the amps on, a switch will be required, but if you plan to enable signal output by turning the amps on and off, a signal splitter is all you need. 

IMO you can get better signal quality through a quality splitter vs a switch. If you are running single ended / RCA, then consider these, which will allow you to run whichever RCAs you want vs a Y-cable: