Tip for blues lovers

I listen to blues at least as much as jazz.  I like to discover new artists on Qobuz, and recently had my socks blown off by a young lass from Ireland, Muireann Bradley.  Her album is blues covers from the 20's and 30's and literally blows new life into them.  Just her guitar and voice.  Beautiful recording quality.  Great presence.  Anyone else sample this?


@tomcy6,    Listened to Harry Manx last nite.  Very nice, relaxed.  That Indian instrument must be something like a sitar, sounds similar.  @ scp.  Don't have Tidal, that playlist looks awesome.  Internet radio tuner has AArdvark blues out of Houston if you don't want to listen to the same old stuff everyday.

Thanks...tried that Aardvark...I listened for a bit until a new artist...I hadnt heard came on ....Kern Pratt....flipped back to regular Tidal....searched him out...and had a whole evening exploring his music.


I have found I get bored if I listen to music...I have heard a lot...so this works great.

@boxcarman  -  Thanks for the feedback on Harry.  I do like to listen to relaxed music more often these days.  Harry is unique  and  I like his songwriting.  Enjoy!