Tinnitus - do you have ringing in the ears?

I just read that an Audiogon member is selling a pair of speakers because of Tinnitus - ringing in the ears.

I have Tinnitus in both ears, one worse than the other, but I have learned to live with it.

Do you suffer from Tinnitus? Do you know of a treatment that has had successful results?

I too have Tinnitus, and it occurs at relatively low levels. When I'm talking with people or listening to music, I don't notice it at all. As far as I know, there are no "medical" methods of treating it, though you can find FAQ's on the web about how diet, prescription drugs, etc. may influence the ringing. Tinnitus is frequently associated with some high frequency hearing loss or comb filtering, so it is not just a neutral "added ringing". Its negative effects can get worse over time. For some people it can be relatively loud and distracting, or their hearing loss can be significant. I think I must compensate for any high frequency loss in my head, because I can't stand bright or aggressive sounding equipment.
Hi Joel,
Yes, I have tinnitus in both ears. It's really only a problem when I first go to bed and everything is dead quiet. I have been to the Doctor...no fix beside a funky hearing aid set up to cancel the frequency ring....I passed.
I have had it for a couple of years in one ear. It was attributed to my attending too many rock concerts as a youth. Its very annoying to me. I've been to numerous ENT docs without any success. I was told to get rid of my stereo, especially the headphones. I still listen to my stereo but for only a limited time. Unfortunately, anymore than 1 CD and the hissing/ringing interferes with me hearing the music.
Hello Joeldoss,

I empathize with you, knowing that hearing problems become one of our dreaded nightmares.as an audiophile.
Firstly, there are many causes of tinnitus and it may come from the middle ear or inner ear and I suggest that you see an ear nose throat specialist. Some tinnitus are reversible, some may linger for awhile, others have it forever, all will be dependent upon its etiology.
You are right, sometimes we have to accept it and live with it, and this should not deprive you of your listening pleasure. Your brain has the capacity to adapt and all the more, encourage you to keep doing whatever keeps you going.
I too am suffering from similar complaints, and this was a recent thing. I thought I'd go crazy, I was ready to drop my passion as an audiophile.
I have to step back and realize that I could still hear. I still have tinnitus periodically, but my positive attitude has helped me tremendously.
I have set an exercise program for myself, jogging everyday, taking some multivitamins, avoiding excessive salt and sugar and caffeine, a healthy attitude and somehow, I notice a decline in the intensity of my tinnitus.
Tinnitus is a nuisance but it should not stop you and me to enjoy music..
After a concussion in the summer I had Tinnitus for only 3 weeks (thankfully) in my left ear. Female voice and other high pitched freq. caused nasty buzzing. I thought about selling my gear, but rode out the short storm.

If this is a persisting problem you may want to seek the help of a recommended ENT (ear,nose,throat) specialist. They can help with all kinds of inner ear issues like vertigo and Minnears (?) disease which are usually caused by tiny 'stones' in your ears. Thankfully the British Columbia health care system pays for such specialists. I'm sure it's different in the US. Be advised, it takes painful amounts of time to see good specialists so be patient. Good Luck.