Time For a CD Player Upgrade

I've been using a Rega Saturn Mk 2.  I recently upgraded my turntable to the Mark Levinson 5105 w/ the Ortofon Quintet Black S.  In comparison my CD's are sounding overly bright.   Any thoughts on a comparable upgrade to my CD listening?  My budget is about $4000-5000, new or used.  The Hegel Viking looks interesting.  Any recommendation for an upgrade will be appreciated. 




Well, there's a new kid on the block and it's from Rotel's upper echelon line, Michi. It's the Michi Q5 CDP, CDT & DAC.( I don't know why they call it all that as CDP covers it all)

And, as you can see, it's a top loader! All that for US $6999. I don't think it uses the Streamline CD-Pro 8 drive and is an in house design. I think the darn thing weighs 51 lbs.

All the best,

Does anyone have any real life experience in comparing the new Luxman D-10x and Esoteric K-01xd with EMM Labs Tsdx transport and Dac Dac2xV2 combo? Just thought since there’s so many knowledgeable cd people on this thread someone may have experienced the performance of these players.

Didn't hear anyone mention vibration control. Not sure what your CD player is sitting on, but vibrations affect CD players (along with turntables) the most out of anything and I bet (regardless of your surface and flooring) you would benefit greatly from a Townshend platform or podium combo or Symposium's rollerblock Jrs, or some other brand (I only have experience with those companies). There are low level earthquakes going on all the time that you can't feel, but your equipment can.

I was amazed what it did for my turntable so much that I took care of my phono stage and amp and speakers (speakers were also a very highly use case with platforms and rollerblocks where they fit best).


I had the Hegel Mohican and I would guess the Viking has the Hegel house sound as well.  It is quite articulate with CD's less than 25 yrs old.  It will not sugarcoat your older ones, they will sound the same.

@sokogear +1

I wasn't prepared for the changes in sound I got from my IsoAcoustics Oreas under my CDP. I was advised by Music Direct and IsoAcoustics to try them under the base plate and not the footers and move them about to settle on the changes I liked.

That exercise drove me mad, with just a 1/4" move changing the sound dramatically. I tried all manner of positions and would get fantastic highs but smothered mids, magically wonderful mids with curtailed highs, tighter base at the expense of everything else. 

What I settled on was placing them directly under the footers and voila!, pretty much perfect in all aspects. The thing is, no matter where I placed the Oreas, the better results came from one directly under the CD drive mechanism, when using the base plate in place of the footers. That told me just how much vibration is in a CDP or CDT.

All the best,