Tidal/OPPO streaming issue

I have been streaming Tidal through my oppo 105 for about five years at this point. Last night when I went down stairs to listen to music I got a window pop up on my Ipad screen that said invalid login token. I have never seen this before and could not get logged in no matter what I tried. I have a pair of Bose powered speakers upstairs hook to my computer
 just for non critical audio and could log in and browse/listen no problem. So I know my account is active and paid. Anyone else experience this and if so what was the fix? This is how I listen 90% of the time and almost every night for at least an hour or two. My only hobby/relaxation really. Very frustrating!
Is the Oppo plug into a CAT 5 or are you using wireless? I am also thinking about buying a Bluesound Node, any thoughts? What other streamer is better for $500? thanks .


I think I will pull the trigger on Bluesound Node2i tomorrow. I have gotten so used to streaming that most of the music I have been listening to lately I do not own, I just rent.
mizike - I use a Bluesound Vault 2i (contains a Node 2i) running via optical into my OPPO UDP 205, which I use as preamp in my 2 channel video system. Speakers are the incomparable JBL 705P. Check them out. Bought mine from Sweetwater.
I picked up a Oppo 203 thinking I could use it to stream with, but I have not figured out I can do that, no menus etc. the only thing I can find is what appears to be a place to show servers on the network, that maybe could select from and stream. 
Had an email from OPPO, said the problem was fixed. It's not, same as yesterday. I'm looking at a Bluesound Node2i, Qobuz here I come. That will fix them. Any opinions on how well that combo works? Can't be any worse than OPPO/Tidal as that doesn't work at all.
My hardware(OPPO 105) does not support Qobuz or I would. Might be time to shop.
Switch to Qobuz. That's what I did over general dissatisfaction with Tidal. I feel Qobuz is a much more satisfying experience. 
This is just a wild guess from a non-Tidal user: Does Tidal allow use of more than one device at a time? If not, are you sure your computer was logged out before you tried to log in on the iPad?
Also maybe through in Ipad issue as well. I worded this every way I could think of in google and did not get any help. I have also emailed OPPO and Tidal with the problem, nothing from them yet either.