Tidal $5 for 5 Mo. Offer?

I’m seeing this on Facebook and it seems applicable to any plan they offer.  It sounds good to me but, is there any major catch with this?  I’ve searched their terms & conditions to the point of migraine aura and I cannot ascertain if this, for example, obligates one to x number of months at the regular price at the trial’s end or whether I could cancel then without a hassle if I thought $20/mo. wouldn’t be worth it.
On a related note.....I’d be streaming their lossless, “HiFi” plan to my integrated amp via their iPhone app to an approx. 12 yr. old Apple Airport Express device. I asked Tidal support about compatibility with this but the reply I received came across as very “language translation app generated” so I’m a little less than trusting.
Does anyone know the particulars here?  Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by soix

Qobuz was offering $15/mo (no expiration I’m aware of) for their hi-res subscription for early subscribers.  No gimmicks or strings attached (I feel your pain with Tidal BTW) and it’s been great.  I say screw Tidal and their BS, and even if you do struggle your way through their confusing morass they’ll start charging you $25/month at month six.  After 10 months with Qobuz you’ll be at the same cash outlay as Tidal with the $5 for 5 deal, and it’s all gravy after that with none of the BS or hassles.  I left Tidal for Qobuz a month ago and am very happy.  Just something to think about.