Thoughts on VTA......

I have read countless posts where members are spending hours on exacting setup of their VTA with varying levels of tools.

Then there is another camp who set by ear.

My thoughts/questions on this subject arise from vinyl thickness difference.

Surely going from a flimsy flier early 70,s vinyl to a later 180 or even 200gm issue is going to change that painstakingly set VTA considerably.

So thoughts rattling round is why go to all that trouble when it IS going to change depending on the vinyl played?

To my mind it would appear that one of the arms that includes on the fly VTA adjustment would be the answer.

Your opinions or suggestions?

Showing 1 response by glennewdick

I used to do it by ear then I got a micro meter on the fly mod for my12" Jelco and well now I wonder how I managed with out. makes it much easier and faster IMO, same results in the end. as for changing for thickness I really can’t tell the difference in that small of a change, with a 12" arm anyway. that’s on a VDH cut tip as well.

I'd like to see the math on the stylus angles change vs thickness changes of records be it 180 ect. 9"-10" 12" go.